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The Advantages of the North and the South in Civil War

Essay Instructions:

The Advantages of the North and the South in Civil War

The Civil War

After reading the chapters from the background materials page and conducting further research on your own, answer the following short-answer questions:

At the outset of the Civil War, what advantages did both the North and the South have? How did their respective advantages affect the final outcome?

What was Lincoln’s position on secession? How did his position affect what happened at Fort Sumter? HINT: Along with the readings, take a look at the last lines of Lincoln’s first Inaugural address. Here’s the site:

http://avalon(dot)law(dot)yale(dot)edu/19th_century/lincoln1.asp. - PLEASE READ!!!!!!

What were the effects of the war, both positive and negative?

Please make sure you read the material attached and source everything. If you use outside material please make sure to source it! Thank you!!

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of the paper.

Length: 1–2 paragraphs per question, double-spaced, typed using 12 Point Times New Roman font.

The best way to approach this paper is to address each question in the order they are presented and number each one. All three questions have multiple elements, so make sure that you address each one. For example; begin by stating and addressing the first question. That can be followed by addressing the second part of the question.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.

Some in-text references to the background readings (APA formatting not required).

The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the background readings.

Upload your paper to the SLP 4 Dropbox when it is completed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Advantages of the North and the South in Civil War
Question 1:
The North had four advantages: high industrialization, a formal government, a large population, and wealth. The North had an internationally recognized government that could trade. They had a large military base because of government recognition and state funding (The American Yawp, 2022). Furthermore, the North consistently provided supplies to their army. The North took a moral high ground by fighting against slavery and attrition. The superior end goal for the conflict prompted France and Britain to remain unbiased in the contention. The North eventually won because they had international recognition and support and long-term financial, infrastructure, and military support.
The South had large food reserves, although getting their soldiers was challenging. The South also had a well-trained officers because of having seven military colleges of the eight in the United States. Additionally, there were multiple armories in several states. The South's most unique strength was battling within its territory (The American Yawp, 2022). Southerners knew the terrain and strategic locations for setting up resistance. The military and political goals of the Union were significantly harder to achieve. The Union needed to attack, overcome, and take over the South. Southerners had high morale as they were protecting their way of life. For the North, slavery was not a cause until Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. The South lost to the North because they lacked international recognition and support. Eventually, the North achieved a more prominent military base than the South. The South was unable to maintain a long war resistance. The nature of troops in the North expanded as the conflict advanced, while the South diminished (The American Yawp, 2022). Additionally, the North built more railroads and advanced infrastructure while the South lacked infrastructure investment. The outcome fell in favor of the North after four years...
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