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Terrorist Attacks by Al-Qaeda Against America

Essay Instructions:

I. Introduction: In this section of your essay, you will introduce your readers to the historical event you selected. Specifically, you should:
A. Provide a brief overview of your historical event. For instance, what background information or context does the reader of your essay need?
B. Based on your research question, develop a thesis statement that states your claim about the historical event you selected. Your thesis
statement should be clear, specific, and arguable, as it will give direction to the rest of your essay.
II. Body: You will use this section of your essay to provide further detail about your historical event while supporting the claim you made in your thesis
statement. Make sure to cite your sources. Specifically, you should:
A. Describe the causes of the historical event. In other words, what were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any
immediate causes that precipitated the event?
B. Illustrate the course of your historical event. In other words, tell the story or narrative of your event. Who were the important participants? What
did they do? Why? How do the perspectives of the key participants differ?
C. Describe the immediate and long-term consequences of the historical event for American society. In other words, how did the event impact
American society?
D. Discuss the historical evidence that supports your conclusions about the impact of the event on American society. Support your response with
specific examples from your sources.
III. Conclusion: In this section of your essay, you will discuss the impact of historical thinking. Specifically, you should:
A. Explain why this historical event is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this event to research?
B. Illustrate how your research of the historical event impacted the way you thought about the event. In other words, how did thinking like a
historian change the lens through which you viewed the event? Support your response with specific examples.
C. Explain how a historian would pursue further study of your thesis statement. In other words, if a historian were to continue researching your
thesis statement, what would be the future directions or next steps?
IV. Provide a reference list that includes all of the primary and secondary sources you used to investigate your historical event and support your thesis
statement. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format, with instructor permission).
V. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s
potential current knowledge of historical events, or lack thereof, and what is specifically important to the audience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

September 11 Attacks
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September 11 Attacks
The 9/11 attacks were terrorist attacks organized and conducted by Al-Qaeda against America in September 2001 (Falkenrath, 2005). The attacks occurred when 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial planes and used them to hit America (Kean & Hamilton, 2004). The terrorists crashed two flights into the World Trade Center (WTC), bringing down the twin towers (Roach, 2011). A third plane hit the Pentagon, while the fourth one struck a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after the terrorists attempted to fly it towards Washington DC. According to investigators, the terrorists targeted either the White House or the US Capitol using this plane (Silver R. C., 2004). However, this flight’s passengers made an effort to regain control, diverting the aircraft away from the terrorists’ intended target. Within two hours, WTC twin towers were reduced to rubble and a wing of the Pentagon. The headquarters of the American military partially collapsed. Almost 3,000 civilians lost their lives and thousands of others injured (Krause, 2004). Everyone in America was surprised, trying to imagine how and why organized terrorism of such magnitude took place on American soil.
Causes of the 9/11 Attacks
At the time of the attacks, President George W. Bush gave a simple reason for the attacks in America. He said, “America was targeted for attack because we are the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world, and no one will keep that light from shining” (Bergen, 2006). Bush made it clear that the time was not ripe for complicated details and lengthy explanations despite knowing that the causes of the attacks were much more complex than he kept telling the people. Contrary to Bush’s explanation, Osama Bin Laden, the leader of the Al-Qaeda and the Mastermind of the attacks, claimed responsibility for the attacks, citing three motives. They include US support for Israel and US troops in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia and Iraqi Sanctions (Bergen, 2006). It is believed that these were the immediate causes of the attacks.
US Support for Israel
Israel and the Arab States had an intense war over land disputes in 1948, 1967, and 1973. (History.com). Arabs could have destroyed Israel had they won. Fear rose among the Israelis because Arab victory could have caused a massive holocaust (Dunkel, 2002). However, with US support, Arabs Israelis never lost a war and took more Arab land. Though a young Saudi Arabian by then, Osama bin Laden, became angry that the US intervention made Israel strong (bep. education). In the 1970s, Bin Laden followed some extreme Arab nationalists’ teachings and called for a violent struggle against weak Muslim leaders and infidel powers that he referred to as Islam enemies (bep. education). These included the US and Israel.
Presence of US Troops in Saudi Arabia
In August 1990, the US sent a large troop contingent to Saudi Arabia to conduct Operation Desert Shield (Bergen, 2006). This was the Gulf War led by the US against the Iraq invasion and Kuwait annexation caused by oil pricing and production disputes (PBS.org). However, Al-Qaeda opposed the involvement of the US military in the Gulf War and its continued presence in Saudi Arabia. This forced the militant Islamic terrorist group to use violence to compel the US government to withdraw its troops in Saudi Arabia. The 9/11 occurrence was one strategy to fulfill their agenda.
Sanctions against Iraq
After Iraq invaded Kuwait, the United Nations (UN) Security Council introduced harsh economic sanctions on Iraq (Reuther, 2018). The primary purposes of the sanctions were to compel Iraq to eliminate any weapons of mass destruction, withdraw from Kuwait and pay reparations (Al-Samarrai, 2018). These sanctions gave Al-Qaeda sufficient grounds to attack America in the 1998 fatwa. In addition to these three causes, Al-Qaeda criticized the US government for the arrest, conviction, and detention of people associated with the group (Reuther, 2018). For these reasons, Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda declared a holy war against the US.
The course of the September 11 Attacks
On the morning of Tuesday, November 2011, four American airlines were hijacked and used to carry out four coordinated attacks on American soil. The first attack occurred in the North Tower of the WTC at around 8:46 a.m. (History.com). About seventeen minutes later, another plane was crashed in the South Tower of the WTC. Th...
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