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Speech Freedom, Freedom of the Press, and Democracy

Essay Instructions:

Essential Questions:

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” What do you think he meant? Do you agree with him? Do you think press freedoms should be absolute, or do you think they should have limits?

What is the role of the press in a democracy, and how does the First Amendment protect that role in the United States?

How can press freedoms come into conflict with other societal needs and priorities?

Why is freedom of speech and freedom of the press so essential in a democracy?

At some point also in the essay, I want to highlight the importance of social media and news reporting and highlighting when government officials and the police are stepping outside of their boundaries of the law. And the systemic racism behind their actions

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1 Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." What do you think he meant? Do you agree with him? Do you think press freedoms should be absolute, or should they have limits?
The United States is regarded as a free nation. According to a 2020 report, the United States is the 17th most accessible country. It is measured in terms of free expression and the media, as well as press killings and political incarceration, but it is not solely based on democracy ("Freedom in the World 2020", 2020). The report demonstrates that the press is critical to achieving democracy. The press has access to information, events, and any movements made by the government. Because of the press, people can obtain necessary information and track the government's actions. People who have access to the information they need from the government, and those who can say whatever they want to, indicate that the country is free. In conclusion, a free press denotes a free country.
Thomas Jefferson (2018) says, "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." This statement emphasizes the importance of press freedom in a nation's liberty. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the government cannot restrain the press. The press enables the general public to be informed about and involved in government affairs. However, the press must always be truthful. They must provide accurate information. Hence, press freedom enables a nation to be democratic.
The statement by Thomas Jefferson is both agreeable and accurate. A government that does nothing wrong and hides nothing from its citizens will not be afraid of the press. As a result, if they are not doing anything wrong, they will be willing to share anything with their citizens through the press. In the Philippines, an incident demonstrated that if press freedom is limited or denied, the country will lack liberty and democracy. The ousted president Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law in 1972. It was the period when the military took over the entire country. There were alleged curfews, suspension of civil rights and laws, violation of habeas corpus, and excessive use of military rule against civilians.
Furthermore, violations of press freedom occurred during this period. The ousted president recognized the importance of the press to democracy and immediately revoked their ability to meddle in and witness government affairs. He also made sure that he filtered all information received by the public. He accomplished this by seizing control of all major media outlets, arresting innocent media owners and journalists, not allowing foreign journalists, and only allowing media he controlled. As a result of his actions, the Filipinos' democracy was also taken away (Khan, 2022). Therefore, the press must be involved in government affairs because they will serve as conduits to the general public. They will raise public awareness by providing accurate and truthful information about government affairs.
Furthermore, press freedoms should not be restricted. The press is essential for people to have democracy. If the press conceals something or is limited to certain information, it cannot serve its purpose of serving the people. The press must remain committed to helping the people rather than the government. They must ensure that all of their news is accurate. They must also ensure transparency. As a result, press freedom must be absolute.
Moreover, aside from the press's ability to obtain and reveal information, they also can persuade people because they are a reliable source of information. As a result, anything they say has the potential to convince people. That is why they must be in charge of delivering real news only. They can deceive people if they want, especially if the government is corrupt enough to bribe media personnel so that their wrongdoings are not exposed. If this happens, the press does not serve its purpose and adds to the citizens' burdens. Hence, press freedoms should be absolute and must use the privileges properly.
2 What is the role of the press in a democracy, and how does the First Amendment protect that role in the United States?
The press is critical to democracy. The press is responsible for exposing the government's actions, whether they are correct or incorrect. P...
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