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Social and Environmental Costs of Industrialization

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Social and Environmental Costs of Industrialization Student`s Name Institutional Affiliation Course title Date Social and Environmental Costs of Industrialization In the larger works and coordination of a large number of individuals working, there should be order and harmony for the success of the organization. For industrialization to be effective, there are social and environmental factors to be considered. Individuals were required to report to work at 6 am. Five minutes before the workers started working, a bell was rung to indicate that the workers should report at their workplace. There was a doorkeeper who was punctual at locking the door. The doorkeeper locked the door punctually at 6 am, 8:30 am, 1 pm, and 4: 30 pm. Individuals who arrived at work late, lost their half-day wages. And any disputes that emerged were settled by the clock mounted above the loge of the gatekeeper. The rules apply for each working and in case the rules were broken the workers faced a fine that is proportional to their wages, and no negotiations could take place. After the end of the day, the workers were to leave their workplaces, but not before the bell rung. Also, the individuals were to receive permission from the overseer and they were required to leave the names at the gate and failure to which one would be fined. The article notes “The deduction from the wage shall be entered in the wage-book” (Dickens, 2009). These forced fines and penalties are the implications of the cost of industrialization. The workers were not allowed to arrive at the workplace irregularly and any individual found in violation of the work policies was forthwith dismissed. The workers were also supposed to enter the place of work through the designated gate and where they were only supposed to leave their spaces because of work related issues. The workers were also prohibited from engaging in non-work related conversations and in case of anything related to work; individuals were to consult the overseer who gave directions or the worker who is designated for the purpose. Smoking in the yard during working hours is illegal and any employee found a fine of five silver groschen was put in place. The workers were responsible for cleaning their workshop space and if any individual doubted, the overseer gave further instructions. “Every worker is responsible for cleaning up his space in the workshop” (Dickens, 2009). The tools used by the workers were to be cleaned and kept in good condition. The natural functions were performed at the right places and any individual who could be found soiling fences, w...
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