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Assignment: 2.0 Brief Analysis of St. Christopher Woodblock

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Course Name: Graphic Design History
Course No: Art 240
Date of Submission
Title: Saint Christopher Woodblock
1.0 Introduction
There exist different artistic blocks from the medieval period that portray Saint Christopher in different ways. Nevertheless, the design of the image happens to communicate a common message across all the artifacts. The most popular is the Woodblock that depicts him carrying Christ Child on his shoulders, while crossing over a turbulent river. The discussion and analysis of this paper will be based on the Woodblock portrait that shows Him carrying Christ Child. This paper will attempt to critically reflect on this graphic design artifact. The paper critically evaluates and analyses the portrait’s artistic design, what it was intended to achieve, the target agenda, how and if it does achieve the envisaged agenda. First and foremost, the social, political and economic production contexts will be reviewed to establish the primary design agenda, the people behind its production, whether or not there was a commissioner, who the actual maker was and what they intended to achieve through this design artifact. The essay will then identify different materials, representations, technologies, tools and technique that could have been involved in the production and transmission.
2.0 Brief Analysis of St. Christopher Woodblock
In the center of the portrait, is a figure of St. Christopher carrying baby Jesus on his shoulders. The motive could have been to depict not only his strong association with The Christ, but his might and physical strength. This depiction could have been the primary message behind the Woodblock. His imposing figure and gigantic physical stature could perhaps explain the popularity of his artistic portrait compared to other saints. The Woodblock depicts St. Christopher crossing a mighty river perhaps indicative of his protective and defensive role among Christians. His depiction carrying Christ Child is an evident pointer to his deity and supernatural influence now and in the life to come. He has great physical strength to the extent that he can wade through a flooded river of any size. On the left center, there is a depiction of a person kneeling, perhaps in worship of Saint Christopher. The painter’s agenda might have been to communicate that St. Christopher was indeed a mighty saint, depicting absolute strength and power. At the bottom right, is a figure of a person riding a horse, perhaps indicative of his association with pilgrimage. I am not sure if the intended agenda was fully realized through this depiction.
The St. Christopher artifacts were commissioned and financed by the gentry who were likely rich and powerful individuals with powerful links to the Vatican. This is because the court of arms on certain portraits is linked with the gentry. Families of the people who commissioned the artifact were rich urban families who supposedly owned huge tracks of land. From the image, it’s not apparently clear as to the motive of the armorial bearings within the image. This evidence suggests that the people behind the design of this Woodblock were powerful, highly influential, overzealous and innovative individuals who might have been driven by the desire to create own unique imaginative designs rather than designs conceived out of reality. They were driven by their imaginative desires and the need to create a link between St. Christopher and The Christ Child. As to whether this motive was achieved is debatable. In my opinion, I should think that the motive was achieved to a certain extend since to date, His portrayed can still be spotted in certain ancient places of worship. Moreover, Christian catholic believers still believe that He is the legitimate mediator between them and The God of Strength and protection. To a larger extend, the motive wasn’t achieved considering that he is only widely famed among a section of Christians. In my view, the message would have been better communicated if the artists behind the Woodblock portrayed St. Christopher on The Christ Baby’s shoulders rather than as it is. It might be that it is this depiction that made the envisaged agenda not be fully realized.
The original saint Christopher painting was done by Jan Van Eyck and was recorded and transmitted between 1460-1470 using an oil oak panel. Nevertheless, the identity of the person who did the transmission in 1460 transmission remains anonymous to date. The Woodblock portrays a giant, bearded man, walking through a huge flooded river, holding a big stick in his hands while carrying baby Je...
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