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Ronald Reagan - The Most Influential President Of The USA

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The reviews are limited research projects. Each review should be about 1.5-3 pages in length. Each review is worth 25 points. The review must use information from at least two (2) active web sites. Your goal is to place the primary source in historical context and to evaluate/interpret the source's relevance to its time period. Each review should provide an accurate description of the author's argument, appropriate biographical information about the author, and sufficient historical background for the time period in which the primary source was written. In addition to the text, biographical information for the author and historical background for the primary source must come from two (or more) active web pages. Include the addresses for each web page at the end of the review, but DO NOT link the page to your document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ronald Reagan Name Institution Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan is considered one of the most influential presidents of the United States of America. Reagan served from 1981 to 1989 and during his tenure, he managed to restore prosperity to the United States. He managed to build and restore the US’s image in the world and to assert dominance all over the world. Guided by his goal to achieve “peace through strength,” he managed to work and end his two terms on a high note. However, despite all that he did, Reagan is often remembered and considered as one of the key figures who led to the destruction of the Berlin wall. The Berlin Wall had separated Germany for a long time and was one of the physical marks or pillars of the Cold War. The Soviet Union had managed to divide Germany into two with the Western side of Germany being pro-West while the Eastern side being pro-Soviet Union. The two like the US and the Soviet Union never saw eye to eye and were under different leadership. The US had influence over the Western side while the Soviet Union had unlimited influence over the Eastern side. However, on 12th June 1987, President Ronald Reagan visited Germany and there, he spoke with hope and determination and even challenged Mikhail Gorbachev the then Soviet leader to tear down the wall. Even though the fall of the wall did not happen dug his tenure, his speech remains as one of the key motivations that eventually led to the wall getting torn down. The second-half of the 20th century had been dominated by the Cold War and the US and the USSR came to the brink of war. The countries had managed to rile up support and to...
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