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History class discussion board. Features of the Roman political system, appealed to America's founders

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Click Courses, select CLAS289, click Modules, complete: The Constitution - Discussion Group BLUE, four questions in total.
History class discussion board

What were the general features of the Roman political system which appealed to America's founders?

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Professor’s Name
July 26, 2018
1. What were the general features of the Roman political system which appealed to America's founders?
While it is a common belief that Democracy came from the Greeks, true representative democracy that is embodied within the nation-state was first established in the Roman Republic. This idea of a government ruled by the people, without the possibility of falling under mob-rule was one of things that appealed to the American forefathers. Aside from this, our forefathers have also wanted the idea of giving the basic rights of suffrage and citizenship towards their people. However, while the early versions of these are crude (as it excludes some people), it is nonetheless similar with that of the Roman Republic.
2. Rome's politics was built on the social structure of its society, divided between patricians or aristocrats and plebeians or the common people. Does the American constitution reflect a similar social dichotomy?
Indeed. In spite of the greater mobility offered for everyone, a close look into our society would reveal that there is a deep divide between the elites and the masses. This barrier comes from latent barriers like money, influence, and access to resources that only the elites have. Perhaps, a good exemplification of this is the phenomena of political dynasties where a significant percentage of the politicians that we have today a...
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