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Professional Teams Being Relocated to a Different City

Essay Instructions:

I included lecture notes and the online book.

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the drop box below.

Assignment (3-4 pages, double spaced):

Review Chapter 12, pages 273-277. After reading these accounts of professional teams being relocated to a different city, please explain in your own words:

Typical reasons why a team would be relocated

A few of the primary pros and cons of a team relocation, as pertaining to each of the following:

o Team owner

o Local and national media

o Players

o Fans

o Team merchandizers/stores

o Current and new city

If you were a team owner wanting to relocate your team, do you think it would be better to move your team without notice in the middle of the night, or would you feel you "owed" it to your city and fans to announce your decision prior to the move? Why?

Historical analysis should be supported by facts from sources. Any idea you present must be supported by references from academic sources.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Teams Being Relocated to a Different City
Professional sports teams are relocated to different cities if the leagues they play for are unwilling to expand to accommodate other teams. Additionally, if a team is in debt and needs a larger fan base for financial support, the team would be more likely to relocate to a more favorable and bigger city because there would be a bigger local market and support. There is much attached to professional sports other than the games played. Relocating the professional team without involvement and agreement with all parties can be daring. Franchise owners think of moving franchises from city to city in pursuit of sweeter financial deals, extended media coverage, and in search of larger crowds for more pay-per-view revenues. On the contrary, owners demanding these relocations do not consider the emotional attachment developed by the locals, economic implications brought about in the area they are relocating from, and development stagnation.
Andrew (2015) states that when the host is unwilling to finance and build new stadiums in their current home city, issues of monopolies, particularly antitrust legislations arise. Andrew (2015) further states that sports teams shift localities because of fights between fans, politicians, communities, and team owners. Additionally, sports teams do not relocate for business survival but to thrive. The general idea is that buying a sports team would be a bad deal because everyone wants one. Survival is never the real reason. Instead, they move because they are offered better playing facilities, higher ticket prices, and better fiscal deals with metropolitan areas. According to Richard (2017), sports teams change localities due to gainful offers from city and state officials like rent-free stadiums, parking concessions, free stadium advertising, and significant supplemental income from luxury box rental. Additionally, teams move in search of larger crowds but not future pay-per-view cable revenues. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of team relocation based on various factors.
Team Owner
Team relocation, in many aspects, is good for business, but a real gamble weakens the business's foundation. Although sports fans are interested in the scores and championships won and lost, owners entirely depend upon skilled players who are interested in paychecks and job security, just like employees in other sectors. According to Richard (2017), the opulence of a team starts declining after the owner of the team fires the coach and their devastating economic decline becomes a joke. However, as team owners' search for greener pastures increases, they may be answerable to legal lawsuits. These lawsuits may hinder them from relocating and their teams tied up in court for years. It elaborates more on why team owners tend to move their team without notice in the middle of the night.
Local and National Media
Media plays a vital role when sports teams relocate or threaten to relocate. Media shows where fans express their strong disapproval by disowning the team. In the media, the commoners who become the fans will learn of the team owners’ intentions. According to Richard (2017), newspaper editorials laid information against the team owner's greed and perfidy. In addition, the media also updates the records of what has transpired over the years. The media has every right to report on information deemed worthy of public consumption, regardless of whether the information causes harm or discloses secrets team owners may not want to be disclosed.
Players have important roles in the scores and champions...
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