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Political and Legal Sphere in the United States

Essay Instructions:

1. What is a response paper?   A well-conceived response paper reads like the internal conversation that you have with yourself while engaging with the course material (lectures or readings). I want you to respond to the material from the class. What did you find interesting? What surprised you? 

2. What goes in it?   I want you to use these papers to:  • Tell me the things that you learned  • Did anything stick out?  • Think about the bigger picture.  • Why should we care about the past?   

3. Does it need to be “formal”?  These are informal and can be in any format that you want. • You can write a journal/blog type entry.  • You can record a voice or video reflection. Y • You can include images and other media.  • If you have an idea about how you want to construct the response and you are unsure if it is acceptable, just ask. • 

4. How long should they be?   Each of these will cover 4-5 weeks of lecture. They should be long enough to engage with most of that material at least a bit. Therefore, I would suggest at least 600 words. Again, if you are worried, just ask. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summary and Reflection of Key Points Learned from the Class Lectures and Resources
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Summary and Reflection of Key Points Learned from the Class Lectures and Resources
The current literature and lecture content has played a critical role in understanding the political, historic, economic, legal, and social environment in the United States. Over the week, the class has addressed fundamental issues and points necessary to understand the political and legal sphere in the United States and how the two have changed over time. The political and economic relationship between the United States and the other parts of the world during the Vietnam War was the first lesson I learned from class lectures and reading. Notably, leadership in the United States has struggled to take the modern concept where traditionally only limited and privileged individuals were allowed to vote, exercise democracy, and help choose leaders who would represent the country in major decision activities. Consequently, leaders in the pre-democracy errors were led by a significant level of prejudice, force, and self-interest, making it challenging to guarantee good economic relations between the United States and other parts of the world. From the class, I understood that the United States lacked the ability to prosper in all the economic zones during the Vietnam War. Hence, the nation is promoted to trade and mutually associate with other countries to produce sufficient resources for imports and other exchange forms.
The United States faced significant economic loss by participating and being interested in various wars, such as the Vietnam War. For instance, during the Vietnam War, the United States supported southern Vietnam, which was against the interests of other communist countries and their allies (Hagopian, 2019). Consequently, the country experienced significant political and economic loss resulting from the loss of trade deals and other suction. For instance, the participation of the United States in the Vietnam War promoted the country to increase economic sanctions on Japan, which had relatively taken over the Vietnam leadership in then bid to weaken its military capabilities (Hagopian, 2019). As a result, the conflict escalated to the extent of sinking Japanese ships carrying imports like tea and other goods to the United States and other trade zones.
The class has also helped me learn some of the short and long-term implications perceived by the United States by agreeing to participate and taking sides in the Vietnam War. Firstly, the country's participation in the War created widespread fear as people feared reiteration. At the same time, taxes in the United States also grew significantly as the country's economic capability declined significantly. At the same time, the country was forced to increase the tax structure to collect more money from the people to neutralize the loss created by supplying military contingencies for the War and cover for the lost economic opportunities (Fallows, 1975). However, the drastic increase in Taxes in the United States during the Vietnam War did not offer a solution to the country's declining economy but led to other major internal challenges. For instance, the increase in taxation meant that people could no longer afford a quality of life, and the gap between the rich and the poor drifted significantly.
Consequently, the crime rate, especially in the poor and middle class, increased alarmingly. The incidence of imprisonment also increased tenfold, and prison could no longer accommodate more persons (Fallows, 1975). Therefore, from the class reading and lectures, I would say that the decision to take part in Vietnam in 1995 marked the beginning of the country’s political, economic, and social downfall.
The causes and effects of the Vietnam War were fundamental knowledge I learned from the class. For instance, I learned that Vietnam began in 1954 and ended in the year 1975, the...
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