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Policemen of the World: Maintaining Global Peace

Essay Instructions:

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement.
Discuss two (2) international events involving the US military from the past five (5) years that can be traced back to a foreign policy created after the Civil War.
Discuss three (3) aspects of US history since 1865 that has led to the US's rise as a world super power policeman.
Identify three to five (3-5) international incidents since World War 2 where America has taken on a policing role.
Determine three to five (3-5) driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the international incidents you outlined previously. (Consider treaties, exit strategies, elections, wars, etc.)
Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Write using relevant explanations, examples, and evidence that logically support ideas.
Demonstrate correct spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policemen of the World
Institution of Affiliation
Policemen of the World
The Unites States throughout its history has been involved in various interventions aiming at maintaining peace globally. Also, it was driven by the desire to barricade the expansion of terrorism which was a major threat to trading activities as well as the lives of civilians. Some of the common interventions entail the supporting Cuba to attain independence and stopping North Korea from making nuclear weapons. The paper gives an analysis of some these interventions by the government of US.
International events involving the US military
The Military of the United States has been involved in several events which are aimed at ensuring peace was across the world. It was driven by the fact that America needed to become economically stable. The events include: The construction of a large navy after the Civil War. It utilized a lot of resources in the program to make it a success during the War with Spain. The main drive for getting involved was to gear for the independence of Cuba.
The United States also supported the expansion of Panama Canal and resisted the second canal through Nicaragua. The canal is still significant even today. The treaty with Panama was made to protect the interests of the US and as well as the companies involved in the trade in the US. In addition, the United States military stopped the programs that were aiming at developing nuclear weapons. In this regard, countries like North Korea, Belarus, China, Iran, South Sudan, Venezuela, and Syria were stopped CITATION Boo02 \l 1033 (Boot, 2002).
Aspects of US history since 1865
The United States foreign policy changed after September 2001 after George Bush assumed the presidency and launched the foreign policy popularly called the Missile shield that covered some regions of Europe. The shield was made with the aim of encountering intercontinental Missile from Iran. It was an initiative of both Central Europe and the Missile defense. Also, Bush changed the flow of foreign policy of America. He launched the war against Terror and presented his plans before the Congress. Bush targeted at ensuring that the US controls its resources by the means of enforcement, intelligence, and diplomacy needed in war. It was aimed at ensuring that the networking of terror plans was put to an end. Considering this issue, the nations which were supporting terrorists were pursued. The US humanitarian assistance was subjected more to the demands of the foreign policy and in this case, many actions needed military actions than others. Most of military humanitaria...
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