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Photo Essay: Women's Role in the Economy

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5 page double-spaced essay (1000-1500 words) explaining what you learned about “women’s work” this semester, using some of the new terms you learned through the "Key Concepts of each module, and in relation to our course Learning Objectives as they are outlined on our Learning Contract: 1. Discuss women's roles in the colonial economy. 2. Discuss the evolving role of wage work in women's lives and the manner in which wage work affected women's domestic lives, as well as public perceptions of their roles in the workplace. 3. Analyze how race, class, and gender are crucial to understanding women's lives. 4. Effectively express this knowledge and understanding in completing college-level written and other assignments.

Did you have additional objectives you hoped to achieve, or concepts that you learned about this semester that you would like to comment on in this essay?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women's Work
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April 29, 2022
Understanding the realities of women's experiences in society is essential for everyone. This allows them to contribute to reducing gender inequities, especially considering that these issues are intertwined with others, such as racism and social inequality. Accordingly, this article will focus on the relationship between society and women's roles in the economy. Overall, the author believes that analyzing gender inequality within a holistic framework is one of the critical steps in addressing it.
Women's Role in the Economy
The fight toward gender equality has been long and arduous, even in progressive countries like the United States. Throughout history, women needed to defy societal norms and expectations that imposed a "glass ceiling," which limited their roles in politics, society, and the economy. In the economic field, women were given significantly fewer rights towards meaningful employment, security of tenure, and average pay than men. Nonetheless, women activists, leaders, and citizens alike have fought to improve the equality of rights between gender. One example of these women leaders was Frances Perkins, who fought for the improvement of workplace safety; Rosina Tucker, who helped various unions in 1938; and Luisa Moreno, who fought against long hours of work and sexual harassment towards women in the workplace, to name a few CITATION Med15 \l 1033 (Medium.com, 2015). These efforts show how women have fought long and hard toward equalizing workers' rights in society.
Aside from women's contributions in the fight toward gender equality, another important concept that could be gleaned from history is women's contribution to the informal economy. The informal economy refers to enterprises, fields, and other kinds of trade that the State does not regulate. Some examples of this are street vendors, home cleaners, and even prostitutes, to name a few. While these jobs may come as 'odd' for some individuals, it is undeniable that women that predominate these sectors must be protected. In one of the articles written by Grant (2019), the author discussed the current tensions regarding the fight toward decrimin...
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