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Philosopher Said When Agreements Are Made According To What

Essay Instructions:

Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue. Write an essay comparing these two (2) ancient thinkers on the concept of virtue or good ethical character and conduct. Stay focused on the issue; keep any biographical or other information short or limited. As much as possible, analyze their writings (in translation, of course), using Confucius' Analects (at http://classics(dot)mit(dot)edu/Confucius/analects.html ) and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (at http://classics(dot)mit(dot)edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.html ). Your paper should:
a) Compare the teachings of Confucius and Aristotle on what constitutes virtue or good ethical character and conduct, noting similarities and differences in specific ideas or emphasis.
b) Consider what your findings suggest about differences between ancient Chinese and ancient Greek culture.
c) From this comparison, suggest ideas of virtue that can apply to ethics in a modern setting, such as a diverse workplace.   
Establish a clear thesis about your topic as part of the introductory paragraph (often the thesis is the last thing one determines after doing the basic research and outline; however it will be placed in the first paragraph of your paper).
This is a comparative essay. Comparison approached properly will require some critical thinking on your part. Use a point-by-point approach for the essay. That means, if comparing subject A with subject B, don't do the first half of the essay on subject A and then the second half on subject B--that will seem like two (2) separate essays and comparisons will tend to get lost. Instead, you should be mentioning both subjects in most of your paragraphs as you compare them throughout the essay. Comparisons will identify similarities as well as contrasts.
Do not try to do everything on your two (2) subjects. You should end up narrowing your focus to a few insights and issues about the subjects being compared. And, from those fairly specific points of comparison, you will develop a thesis and glean some lessons.
Follow closely the instructions below for your specific topic.
Include a concluding paragraph at the end. This paragraph will, in some way, refer back to the thesis established in your first paragraph, since now you have demonstrated and supported it. It may be here that you also include your observations relating your study to the modern workplace or society (see your topic). Try to finish with flair!
Use at least three (3) good quality academic sources, with one (1) source being the class text. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. You are highly encouraged to use the Resource Center tab at the top of your Blackboard page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

a) Compare the teachings of Confucius and Aristotle on what constitutes virtue or good ethical character and conduct, noting similarities and differences in specific ideas or emphasis.
The concept of virtue is one that has been explored in the past by scholars looking to bring a better understanding to it. One of the scholars that has reviewed the concept of the virtue is Aristotle and Confucius. With the distinction that exists between morality and ethics, it is crucial to understand what side either of the scholars lie. As such, it is crucial to compare what Confucius considered to be virtue against the approach used by Aristotle.
Virtue is a translation that comes from the Latin word virtus and relates to the word vir which literally means manhood ("Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", 2017). This was later used by the Latin authors and translated into Greek to represent the word arete. This originally referred to the excellence of manly qualities. Confucius in his Book of Poetry used the word ren to refer to the element of noble huntsmen. Looking closely at what meanings come to the surface with reference to the two words, that is, ren and arete, they both, according to speculations from some of the scholars refer to the element of manhood. They tend to draw a parallel. According to Confucius, when one learns to be good they are considered to be a person of ren. In the Athenian philosophy, the word arete also refers to goodness coming from the word Aristos. Aristotle refers to virtue from the perspective that requires the kindness of thing or the goodness of a thing to meet a certain threshold of goodness ("Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", 2017). As such, for something to be considered to be a virtue, it must by all means perform its function well. In this case, Aristotle refers to the virtue of a human being as the state that makes them good and make them perform well. Philosophically, this means that arete is related to the human function. Ren on the other hand is related to the human relations. It is important to note that both Confucius and Aristotle reject the approach that was used by Socrates on the thesis explaining what is a virtue. Socrates approach included the fact that virtue alone is enough to explain the element of happiness. They however agree with the aspect of happiness coming about as a process of self-examination. Confucius is seen to be largely characterized by his deep affection and respect for the richness in culture from the past. There is an element of conformity when it comes to the two, Aristotle and Confucius, as they consider ritualization, emulating and habituation of a virtuous persons as being element of a virtuous person.
‘The philosopher Yu said, "When agreements are made according to what
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