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Factors that Made the British Colonies in North America to Revolt

Essay Instructions:

Hello-I need this paper by (August 23, 2015) Sunday by 10:30 PM. Below is the information that needs to be in the paper and how the teacher wants it. Thank you so much. :)

According to the British King and bureaucracy, the colonists were acting like spoiled children. According to the colonists, the British were overbearing, over-taxing, and ignoring their grievances. Take the perspective of American colonists, and explain why the British colonies in North America revolted.

Below are some of the items to consider:

The colonial relationship to the British before/after the French and Indian War

The acts passed by the British government

The grievances stated in the Declaration of Independence

The events that escalated the division between the Crown and the Colonists.

Choose one of the two perspectives to defend in an essay (American colonists or British government). Complete a 2-3 page paper according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Each paper should include at least four paragraphs: an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Factors that made the British Colonies in North America to revolt
Option #1
Stacey R. Thomas
HST201-US History I
Colorado State University- Global Campus
Dr. Joyce Ann Kievit
August 23, 2015
Before the French and Indian War, a policy referred to as salutary neglect was followed by the British. This policy implied that the American, with minimal British government intervention, did as they wanted. There were some taxes that the Parliament had passed in the colonies prior to the French and Indian War, but there existed very negligent enforcement for such taxes (Cubbison, 2010). The French and Indian War was the conflict in the Northern American that begun in 1754 and ended with the 1763 Treaty of Paris. The Great Britain acquired massive territorial achievements in North America. As a result, after approximately 160 years of the policy of salutary neglect, the policy of the Great Britain was completely changed towards the 1763 colonies. The rules changes truly disappointed the colonists and there emerged disputes over the consequent frontline policy and war expenses payments and this resulted to colonial discontent, and eventually British Colonies Revolt (U.S Department of State- Office of the Historian, 2015). Different factors led to the British colonist revolt against the British government. This paper seeks to discuss the factors that contributed to this revolt, including the various acts passed by the British government that impacted the colonists and the grievances stated during the Declaration of Independence, and also the events that increased the Colonists and the Crown division.
The Acts Passed By The British Government
The British government came up with various acts that were part of the cause of the revolt of the colonists in North America. The first act was the currency act that was passed in the year 1764 by the British government (Greene, 2010). The act was as a result of the high debts of the British government, which made the British merchants to demand for money owed to them by the colonists. Since the act banned the production of currency by the colonies, the colonies, therefore, incurred high costs due to this shift of currency. The second act introduced was the Stamp Act that required many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying a revenue stamp. Among the printed materials that were included in this were all legal documents, newspapers and even playing cards (Rabushka, 2008). This was the act that led to the introduction of direct tax on that region. The Stamp Act was more popular in England in taxes far higher as compared to those in the colonies and it was disliked uniformly in the colonies. There was an expression of objections by nine colonial legislatures to the British tax and there was rampant civil disobedience to the Stamp Act throughout the colonies. It became hard to enforce the Stamp Act and it was repealed by the Parliament in March 1766 (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2015). Despite the revoke of the Stamp Act, there remained philosophical differences. The colonists were expected by the British to take greater payment of the cost of the colonies’ royal government, while the colonists on the side were against the imperial taxation and self- government limits (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2015). This escalated tension between the colonies and the Great.
The third act is the Townshend Acts that introduced a tax on imported goods (Greene, 2010). The Townshend Duties of 1767 resulted in trivial agreements injuring the economy of the British and led t...
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