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Patriots essay. Effects of the Vietnam War On People Who Fought, Protested, Planned, or Lived.

Essay Instructions:

How did the war in Vietnam affect the people who fought in it, protested it, planned it, and/or lived through it? For this assignment, write a 5-7 page paper analyzing the effects of the war on at least three of the individuals (soldiers, protesters, civilians, policymakers, etc.) interviewed by Christian Appy in Patriots. The best papers will make a coherent argument linking the stories you choose to examine. You can select as many individual participants as you like for this essay, but be sure to choose least three. You can use material from the lectures for context if appropriate, but please do not use any sources from outside the course. The writing guide, posted under the "files" tab, will give you tips and explanations for the categories in the rubric below. Please be sure to check the writing guide for appropriate citation style.

Please use 12-point Times New Roman font and regular margins, and double space your paper. The essay needs to be in Microsoft Word format. Late papers will be accepted but docked 10 points for each day past the deadline.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of the Vietnam War On People Who Fought, Protested, Planned, or Lived
Through it
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Effects of the Vietnam War On People Who Fought, Protested, Planned, or Lived
Through it
The Vietnam War is one of the longest wars ever recorded in history. Due to its prolonged period, it caused massive destruction. It contributed to an extensive division between the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam alongside their principal ally, the United States. The war led to the death of over 3 million people, half of whom were civilians of Vietnam. The war ended when troops from South Vietnam seized control of their country and unified it through the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. During the war, some people were actively involved in policymaking, as soldiers, the masterminds and those who were against it. The war brought mixed reactions from across the globe, with various nations taking their preferred side. Therefore, this essay analyzes the effects of war on individuals who participated in war either as soldiers, protesters, civilians or policymakers.
Commander Bernard Trainor
Bernard was taught to view the idea of communism as the enemy. Anyone who supported communists was an enemy who needed to be stopped. He was taught to believe that any price that needed to be paid for liberty was worth it. What he felt for Communists was a resentment so strong that they were willing to stop them at any cost. The hatred was fueled by the fact that Communists had attempted to control Asia and expand their territory. When going to war, Bernard’s mind was inclined in a way that all he wanted was to stop the expansion of godless communism and give democracy a chance to sprout in the east. Hence, Bernard’s subscription to ideologies was in line with that of his president, Kennedy, to stop the spread of the communists.
The very first time, Bernard went to Vietnam as an adviser alongside a Studies and Observation group. The name was meant to help Bernard and his team operate secretly in Vietnam. He wore civilian clothes, and every weapon he had did not have any serial number, especially anything which will link him to the United States. Bernard led an attack on the coastal target of Saigon, and the raid was successful. They were also helping the South Vietnamese go up north by providing intelligence.
When he returned to Vietnam in the year 1970, he took over the 1st battalion. The first battalion was the 5th Marine Regiment. During his first operation, he led his team to conduct surveillance and establish enemy hideouts and locations. They would then come up with reports of potential danger zones, which would be their next target. His approach was aimed at having very minimal casualties during his operations (Appy, 2004). However, he almost lost his job as a commander when a lower division commander felt he was not aggressive enough. The situation was calmed when his unit was in contact with the enemy, and the exchange led to them winning. The fire exchange took place at the Que Son Mountain jungle, located in the remote areas of the country. According to the confession recorded by Appy (2004), the most memorable moment is when he discovered a cave that was used as a hideout. According to the confession, “… caves contained the dossiers and personal records of all the Viet Cong double agents in the Quang Da Special Zone.”
Tran Thi Gung
Tran Thi Gung was a woman soldier who had been to so many wars. Tran was the only woman in her unit. She was a member of the guerrilla force of T...
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