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American Revolution: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, and the Declaration of Independence.

Essay Instructions:

I need the writer to go on to my Chabot blackboard account click the History link then Read the instruction for writing the essay the instruction is also an attached documents. Then click syllabus on the left. Part 3 of the syllabus for the class has been posted under SYLLABUS and WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS on the Blackboard website. The links on the weekly assignment is the reading In addition, the first topic for the second paper has been posted under PAPER TOPICS on Blackboard. Two more paper topics will be posted over the next few weeks. Important info. The paper needs a thesis, structure, use of evidence, analysis, logic and argumentation, and mechanics. The writer must meet this criteria. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THE WRITER 00043209 OR 00040620 TO EVER WRITE ON MY PAPER FROM THIS DAY FORWARD! THEY BOTH DELIVERED C PAPERS VERY DISAPPOINTED!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Revolution
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American Revolution
The American Revolution and its consequences played a significant role in initiating fresh levels of political participation including shay’s rebellion, adoption of Articles of Confederation, and drafting and ratification of the new Constitution. However, drafting and approval of the US constitution was argued to control this participation. The American Revolution was a political disruption that took place from 1765 to 1783 during which colonists in the thirteen American protectorates rebuffed the British kingdom and aristocracy, conquered the influence of Great Britain, and established the United States of America. After the patriots had overthrown their existing governments, closed the courts, and drove away British officials they declared that they were states and not colonies. They elected convention delegates, legislatures, and created new constitutions in all states to replace royal charters. Nevertheless, congress felt the necessity for a stronger union, authoritative government, and a constitution order, suitable to its republican disposition. However, fear of central power hampered the formation of such a government, and extensively shared political assumption held that a republic could not effectively serve a big nation such as the United States. Furthermore, it was argued that representatives of a huge republic would not be able to remain connected with the people they represented, and the republic had the possibilities of sinking into a dictatorship.
Articles of Confederation
The continental congress adopted the first constitution of the United States, Articles of Confederation in 1777 and later ratified by all thirteen states in 1781. Although, the Article of Confederation established a union of the independent states, it created a weak central government, leaving most of the authority with the state administrations. The Articles of Confederation bestowed Congress the authority to administer foreign affairs, conduct battles, and to control currency; nonetheless, these powers were restricted since Congress had no power to impose tax and demand troops from the states. The weak central government created by the Article of Confederation and its inability to levy taxes suggested the need for a stronger federal government.
Shay’s Rebellion
The uprising in Massachusetts offered a significant support on the establishment of a stronger central government. Moreover, the rebellion depicted the political participation of Massachusetts farmers to present their demands to the state government. After conclusion of the American Revolution, thousands of farmers in Massachusetts were under pressure of heavy burden of debt. The inability of farmers to repay their debts was attributed to the bad harvests, high taxes, and economic depression at that time. Conversely, political leaders viewed the weak economy and the burden of debt as a consequence of the Article of Confederation that offered the central government with no power to raise revenue and create policies that would form a unified nation out of the independent states. As creditors threatened to foreclose property of farmers who failed to repay their debts, several of these farmers led by Daniel Shays employed tactics used by patriots before revolution. They barricaded the courthouses to prevent judges from issuing foreclosure instructions. Daniel Shays and his followers had four demands that they wanted the government of Massachusetts to implement in order to protect them from their creditors. First, they wanted freezing of debt collection. They argued that the discontinuation of debt collection would assist the farmers to recover from the bad harvests and the weak local and national economies. Second, they demanded the capital to be moved further west so that it would be closer to all people. The state capital at Boston was suggested to be moved inland because it was not in a central position. Third, they wanted the state government to stop jailing debtors. They argued that the move would allow farmers to focus on working in their farms and obtain money to pay their creditors. Fourth, they wanted an increase of paper money that would result to inflation. The argued that the inflation would be advantageous ...
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