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Assignment 2 Due Week 10: It May Not Work in Politics

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: It May Not Work in Politics
Due Week 10 and worth 225 points
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student addresses the following three (3) items using headers to separate each response:
Congressional Ethics. Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two (2) reasons why you agree or disagree with the verdict and any penalties. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how the verdict and penalties impacts your trust of the members of Congress.
Third Party Candidates. Discuss two (2) political reasons why a third party candidate has never been successful in winning a presidential election. Provide examples to support the answer. Note: Consider the political impact of the Republican and Democratic Party if a third party was successful.
Federal and State Authority. Identify one (1) current issue facing the United States today. Analyze the respective roles of Federal and state authorities in addressing the issue. Determine whether the U. S. Constitution constrains the Federal and state responses to the issue. Explain.
In your research, you cannot use Wikipedia, online dictionaries, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, or any other Website do that do not qualify as an academic resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to:
Identify informed opinions on issues and questions involving the U.S. government, national political processes, policy making, and the notion of democracy.
Employ terminology used to study political science and American government.
Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course.
Describe the basic values of American political culture.
Explain how the federal system of government works.
Explore different perspectives on issues and questions about the U.S. government and national political processes.
Describe the importance of an informed, effective citizenship for the national government and political processes.
Use concepts from our study of U.S. national government and politics (such as models of democracy) to discuss government and politics in state, local, and international contexts.
Examine the evolution of presidential power in military affairs.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.
Write clearly and concisely about U.S. government and politics using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

It May Not Work in Politics
Institutional Affiliation:
Over a period of time, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) has been tasked with the role of investigating several cases with the aim of ensuring that ethics remains a peripheral role within the members of congress. The primary role of this paper is threefold; first, the paper seeks to identify the element of congressional ethics as determined in a case involving a member of congress. Secondly, the paper will take a look at the third party candidates and the rationale behind their failures in winning elections. Thirdly, the paper will take a look at the federal and state authorities in the United States by underlying some of the issues that face these authorities.
Congressional Ethics
The element of ethics remains a factor that needs to be placed in the context of any form of government. In November 2004, retired President George W. Bush is considered to have won the political seat as a second-term presidential aspirant, thus defeating John Kerry who was a democratic nominee by close to three million votes (Allen & Mike 2005). The republicans were considered to have added other seats in the senate to the majority with the aim of occupying 55 of 100 available seats, including the three seats that are available for majority house representatives.
However, political issues arose that included the Republican political candidates, a factor that saw the Bush White House in Pennsylvania in fire. This resulted from the termination of the nomination of Bernard Kerik who was meant to serve as the secretary of Homeland Security due to corruption charges (Allen & Mike 2005). Kenneth Lay of Enron among other congressmen was found guilty of corruption charges and was sent to prison.
He was charged for engaging in criminal activities within the state of Texas. In my view, it is unethical for the members of congress to use money in normal politics with the aim of purchasing influence or access to some political favors, a factor that supports my verdict on the charges that were placed on them in engaging in fraudulent and criminal activities (Allen & Mike 2005). The practice of gaining favors or hiring other governmental officials against the formal way of election is therefore unconstitutional and should be charged within a court of law. Such an act can be seen when congressmen try to choose those they favor and who are not qualified to be leaders in the public eye. In my view, this verdict is rational in dealing with corrupt cases within congress.
Third Party Candidates
It is essential to consider the fact that the rationale behind the failures in wining presidential elections by third parties is attributed to the fact that many pollsters in many occasions lump the third party candidates into other categories and may not be included at all in the processes (Hummel, 2014). The third party candidates therefore rec...
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