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Native Americans vs. Spanish and English Americans

Essay Instructions:

Read the primary source written by Francisco López de Mendoza Grajales (see below). Discuss the “Ws,” in essay style, that is, who was the author, who is the audience, when and where was the source written? Summarize its content and consider why he wrote that account?

2 Write an essay comparing and contrasting the experience of Native Americans with the Spanish and English Americans in North America. How did these experiences differ from oneanother? Summarize the four primary sources that we discussed in class (Columbus, Aztecs, and the two sources on Cherokees/ Cultural Misunderstandings). In addition, find, summarize, and analyze at least two other primary sources from the Fordham History Site that deal with the colonization of North America, including Spanish or English Americans. Here is the website:


In total, you cite seven primary sources for this paper and conclude with your own analysis. Every paragraph needs significant and specific facts, names, and dates. The grade depends on correct and dense content as well as spelling and grammar.

3 You need to have a citation in parentheses or a footnote at the end of each paragraph. For citations, use either MLA or Chicago style but be consistent.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Native Americans vs. Spanish and English Americans
Summary of Primary Source “The Founding of St. Augustine”
Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales wrote the primary source. It appears that the author, being a chaplain, was writing to a higher leadership within the Catholic Church. However, documenting the events in question makes past and current historians a special audience. Scholars can rely on these accounts to make meaning of the events during the author’s time. Grajales wrote this material in the 16th century after settling in America. The piece was, therefore, from America. He explains the journey taken and the efforts made by troops who traveled through harsh weather conditions and other difficulties to conquer new land. The efforts made at the time to St. Augustine to become the first European settlement in America. The author explains how they started their journey on July 1565 and continued their conquest until September 1565 (Grajales n.p.). The ships' initial destinations include Lanzarote Island, Fuerte Ventura, Island Dominica, and Island Desirable (Grajales n.p.). They lost some of their colleagues who got lost at sea. Establishing the first settlement took a strategic attack on the natives in the location.
Essay on Native Americans vs. Spanish and English Americans
Different communities had unique experiences documented in various primary sources during the colonial period. Current scholars can use these past accounts of the experiences to understand the best unique traits a given group of people portrays. This review shows that, unlike the English and Spanish Americans, Native Americans’ experiences were defined by a desire to remain independent and protect their lands.
Unlike Spanish and English Americans, Native Americans played the role of resistance. Initially, leaders such as Moctezuma did not show any fear of the new entrants into the land (Cortes n.p.). The striving of the leaders and members of this community to prevent foreigners from gaining more control and land during the colonial period defines the Native Americans. Whether through alliances, conflicts, or even diplomacy, efforts by the Indians to resist further European encroachment in their land during the colonial time were often futile. According to a source, Indians felt that they were not supposed to give their lands to the French, leading to the war between the two denominations (Casas n.p.). The agitation made them face the intruders. However, at some point, they were forced to form alliances with the sides they saw fit to protect their interests against two powerful forces.
While adversities faced the Native Americans in efforts to protect their territories, the Spanish and English faced hardships in the quest to conquer. Some challenges causing suffering among the Indian natives include an ever-growing European population in the place they used to call home, the slave trade, and new diseases. The colonizers even relied on diseases like smallpox as a form of weapon against the native dwellers of North America. The people still did not relent, given their commitment to the course.
Spanish and English also experienced challenges during the colonial era. They faced a resisting force that led to the loss of lives of members of their...
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