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Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion and the American Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Part I: Short answer section. Please answer all three questions below with 1-2 paragraph responses (40 points each; 120 points total).

  1. Image analysis. Please analyze the images below together. Note: it is not enough to just explain what is in these images - you need to also go deeper and bring in historical context and analysis involving specific historical themes, events, ideas, people, groups, issues, etc., discussed in the course that help you contextualize and explain these images in their historical context. NOTE: You can use your Zoom (+) function to get a better look at the images. (40 points)

                          Image 1                                                                                                    Image

  1. Text Analysis. Please analyze this text in 1-2 paragraphs. The text was published in 1676. You should analyze the substance of the text itself, but also discuss the specific historical context that produced the text, including specific historical themes, events, people, issues, etc. (NOTE: You need to be logged onto your Rutgers account to view the text. If for whatever reason you have trouble accessing the link to the text, please contact me)
  1. Video Analysis. Watch this half-hour clip from A Midwife's Tale, which is about the life of Martha Ballard and her family in Maine in the mid/late 1700s. Write a 1-2 paragraph response that discusses what Martha Ballard’s story reveals to us about the role of women in Northern colonial/US society in the late 1700s? Be sure to also bring in relevant historical context on women, gender, and family labor from the course - especially from your reading from Who Built America - to support your analysis. (NOTE: You need to be logged onto your Rutgers account to view the text. If for whatever reason you have trouble accessing the link to the text, please contact me)

Part II: Short Essay. Please write a 2½-3 page double-spaced essay that responds to what’s below (80 points).

The American Revolution and the founding of the United States - from the revolution’s origins in the 1760s through its final victory in 1783 through the U.S. Constitution’s enactment in the late 1780s - are often depicted as being “top-down” products of the leadership, wisdom, and greatness of elite leaders - namely, the “Founding Fathers.” But as we’ve learned, the American Revolution and the founding of the United States were also a “bottom-up” affair, driven by ordinary people, especially working people, who tried to shape the direction of the revolution and the nation’s founding.

Write a 2½-3 page essay that responds to this prompt: “The American Revolution and the founding of the United States was more of a “bottom-up” achievement driven by ordinary people than a “top-down” achievement by elite leaders - but ultimately, it’s not clear that the people on the “bottom” won out.

You can agree with or disagree with the prompt, or you can offer a qualified or “in between” response - but your paper does need to address the prompt in a clear and direct way. You should draw on course material, especially on Who Built America, Chapters 4 and 5, and “Jack Tar in the Streets.

As you write this essay, keep in mind that the phrasings “ordinary people” or “working people” have different meanings depending on region, race, gender, etc. You are encouraged to think critically about these phrasings. There were different experiences of the American Revolution and the founding of the US among “ordinary people” based on their race, gender, nationality, etc

Citations: You can use footnotes, endnotes, or parenthesis - whatever you prefer, as long as I know where you're getting your information. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
U.S. Labor Before the End of Reconstruction
Fall 2022, Prof. 
Midterm Exam
Part I: Short answer section. Please answer all three questions below with 1-2 paragraph responses (40 points each; 120 points total).
1 Image analysis. Please analyze the images below together. Note: it is not enough to just explain what is in these images - you need to also go deeper and bring in historical context and analysis involving specific historical themes, events, ideas, people, groups, issues, etc., discussed in the course that help you contextualize and explain these images in their historical context. NOTE: You can use your Zoom (+) function to get a better look at the images. (40 points)
Image 1 Image 2
The first image above contains a graphical representation of the harvests each state recorded. Notably, the increase in yields was a result of the increasing slavery trade that was taking place in the mentioned above states. Settlers who had more land and more enslaved people were capable of producing more bales of farm produce than those who did not have such resources. The second image shows how the frontier in North America began moving west soon after the First settler arrived in the 1600s. The movement of the settlers onto the frontier led to the displacement of American Indians, pushing them to the west in 1889. The image also shows a movement instigated by the government’s move to open the Indian Territory (now the state of Oklahoma) to white settlers despite Indians having been promised the land initially. The opening led to a wild land rush, which later led to the declaration that no frontier was left in the country by 1890. The haste increased slavery for settlers who had managed to secure more land. The second image shows the changing frontier, as discussed in our course guide.
2 Text Analysis. Please analyze this text in 1-2 paragraphs. The text was published in 1676. You should analyze the substance of the text itself, but also discuss the specific historical context that produced the text, including specific historical themes, events, people, issues, etc. (NOTE: You need to be logged onto your Rutgers account to view the text. If for whatever reason you have trouble accessing the link to the text, please contact me).
The provided text describes Bacon’s rebellion as led by Nathaniel Bacon between 1647 and 1677. In this excerpt, Bacon justifies his revolution against Colonial Governor William Berkley after he declined Bacon’s request to drive Native Americans out of Virginia. Arguably, Bacon’s rebellion appears to be one of the most confusing yet intriguing chapters that explain the stirring moments of the revolutionary sentiment in America. Bacon’s rebellion appears as a power struggle between two stubborn, selfish leaders and not a glorious fight against tyranny. Through the excerpt, Bacon appears to be lamenting the harsh treatment by the government on its subjects. Bacon justifies his actions to attack the Natives by arguing that the government was neglecting the citizens, by teaching Natives to use firearms and the Natives were stealing significant crops from the citizens. The excerpt shows that the citizens felt the Natives were more privileged as they could get away with any wrongdoings. In this text, Bacon appears to be calling for sovereign help by asserting that at least there is a just God who does not take sides. In American Revolution history, Bacon’s rebellion was influential in the fight against tyranny as it led the rebellion of Virginians against Governor William Berkley for being friendly even after the wrongdoings of the Natives.
3 Video Analysis. Watch this half-hour clip from A Midwife's Tale, which is about the life of Martha Ballard and her family in Maine in the mid/late 1700s. Write a 1-2 paragraph response that discusses what Martha Ballard’s story reveals to us about the role of women in Northern colonial/US society in the late 1700s? Be sure to also bring in relevant historical context on women, gender, and family labor from the course - especially from your reading from Who Built America - to support your analysis. (NOTE: You need to be logged onto your Rutgers account to view the text. If for whatever reason you have trouble accessing the link to the text, please contact me).
After watching the life of Martha Ballard and her family in Maine in the mid/late 1700s, it is evident that fewer than half the women in America were literate. Therefore, Ballard would faithfully record the weather and do her daily household tasks. Because she was also a midwife, Ballard would do her midwifery duties, where she delivered close to a thousand babies. Martha’s diary grants us a comprehensive insight into frontier women’s lives. Martha Ballard helped most of the women who did not have access to a midwife for the delivery of their children. Besides, Martha’s diary reveals to us the various roles played by women in the 1700s. For example, Martha recounts bartering or trading with other women in her account. In the 1700s, women ran the bartering economy to sustain their families. Through bartering, women would exchange different items that people needed, such as clothes that women wove for foodstuffs, ashes for soap making, candles, and cooking utensils. The video also reveals to us that the young women in ...
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