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The Myth of the Ages of Man and the Story of Pandora

Essay Instructions:

Attached the chapters to review from the textbook please Click on link : https://piercestudent-my(dot)sharepoint(dot)com/personal/fnakimera0474_smail_pcd_edu/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ffnakimera0474%5Fsmail%5Fpcd%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FAttachments%2FIntroduction%20to%20Mythology%5F%204th%20Edition%20%5BEva%20M%2E%20Thury%5D%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ffnakimera0474%5Fsmail%5Fpcd%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FAttachments&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9waWVyY2VzdHVkZW50LW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzpiOi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL2ZuYWtpbWVyYTA0NzRfc21haWxfcGNkX2VkdS9FWUNyMVdaNWxNRkVzZjlZRHBjWnlnNEJWR2JPQllUQTV5R0FkdW8tMVhnVlBBP3J0aW1lPUZqR1A3dXYtMkVn

Chapter 3 (provide substantive answer of at least 1 paragraph of 150 words in length.)

1. Explain the relationship between the myth of the ages of man and the story of Pandora, giving some detail relevant to your answer.

Chapter 5 (provide substantive answer of at least 1 paragraph of 150 words in length.)

1. Explain the differences between the three writers of Genesis. Be specific.

Chapter 13 (provide substantive answer of at least 1 paragraph of 150 words in length.)

1.What is a covenant? What covenant does God make with humanity? What do humans implicitly agree to in this covenant?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Story of Pandora and Myths of Ages of ManStudents NameCourseCodeInstructorSubmission date
1 Relationship between the myth of the ages of man and the story of Pandora
Pandora in Greek mythology means “a gift”, “the gifted”, “the all-endowed”. Another name for Pandora is Anesidora meaning “she who sends gifts”. Pandora is the first human woman that was created by Hephaestus under the instruction of Zeus. This is according to Hesiod Theogony, after a divine trickster and fire god Prometheus stole fire from heaven and bestowed it on mortals, the god of gods, Zeus that was determined to tap on the blessing. As directed by Hesiod, each god showed her cooperation by giving their unique gifts to Zeus. The Pandora mythology addresses the issue on whether evil really exists in the world. In line with this, Pandora gave birth to another phenomenon known as the Pandora’s Box that releases all the evils of humanity (Thury, Devinney & Devinney, 2005)
The interpretation of the Pandora’s story has in the past influenced Christian and Jewish theology and also perpetuated her bad reputation into Renaissance. In the myths of the ages of man, the Pandora mythology is related to the Silver age until Hesiod’s era. During this time it was believed that Zeus was the god of gods and the ruler of the universe. This is because people at the time did not pay homage to the gods, Zeus decided to kill of them.
2. Differences between the three writers of Genesis.
Though Christians have differed about how each creation day took place and the age of the earth, Christians agree that God created the universe and everything in it. However, when you read the two chapters of Genesis you realize that there are two separate stories of creation. While Genesis chapter One does a chronological seven day cre...
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