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Monograph Essay on the Apostles of Disunion

Essay Instructions:

For this monograph, write an essay of at least 500 words in response to the following prompts:
After reading the work, and using the website, https://plaintalkhistory(dot)com/we-secede-archive/ answer the following questions:

Why did the Southern states secede? What reasons do the southern states give for taking such a drastic step? What was the role of the commissioners and delegates who fanned out across the South in late 1860 and early 1861? What ideas and principles was the Confederacy to be based upon? How crucial was the role of the delegates who fanned out across the South in bringing about the crisis of secession? Why does the author believe their role has been underappreciated? What sort of evidence does Dew use to support his conclusions? Do the sources on the website support Dew’s conclusions? After gathering all the evidence, what would you say was the fundamental cause of the American Civil War, and why is it so important we understand the answer to that question today? Make sure you use the sources from the website and the book in your answer.

Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence from the monograph or other sources we have studied this semester. Organize your paper with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your reader understand the logic of your organization. IMPORTANT: Edit your paper thoroughly to avoid errors and to improve readability. Take your essay to the writing center or ask me to help you with proofreading before you submit your essay!

Grading criteria:
• Argument: Does your paper have a clear, singular, specific argument that answers the question?
• Evidence: Do you use all of the relevant evidence to defend your argument? Relevant evidence includes not only references to the monograph, but also to at least one other document or source we have studied this semester
• Organization: Does your paper have a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions?
• Clarity: Is your prose efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting spelling or grammatical errors? Did you avoid use of the first person voice (I, we, our, us, me, my, mine)?

• 12-pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced
• 500 words or more

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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After Abraham Lincoln became the president, the southern states were full of fear as they thought Lincoln would end slavery and would no longer have a voice in the government (Douglass & Barnes, 2013). The states demanded equal opportunities, similar to freed states. Lincoln succeeded the president's seat without a single help from the southern states (Dew, 2017), and therefore, they feared that he would not protect their right equally. From late 1860 to early 1861, the confederate states had commissioners who moved across the southern region with an emotional message mobilizing the black people of a clear goal to the nation's political system (Dew, 2017). For instance, they created awareness among the southerners to induce the political system and citizenry about the uncertain slave regions joining the movement to destroy the union. According to Douglass & Barnes (2013), commissioners aspired at forging a new Southern nation that only belonged to the minority groups. On the contrary, Charles B. Dew posits that slavery was not the primary cause for the secession of the Southern, but it was a stark white ideology supremacist that fueled most of the southerners.
According to Locke & Wright (2019), Alexander H. Stephens explains that the ideology of confederates enlightening the truth of the Negro is not equivalent to the white man. The ideology of disputes that led to the secession of confederate states was the slavery and subordination of the superior race. Douglass & Barnes (2013) states that the Northerners referred to the southerners as traitors after forming the first provisional Confederate government. The confederate states had principles that governed them to triumph over the Northerners that were fair and simple (Douglass & Barnes, 2013). The states had a massive role in defending their land from invasion by the Northerners. Second, the confederates should prevent the Northerners from destroying the Southerners' army. The army had to keep the southern society safe from enemies threatening their well-being. Lastly, the confederate set the principle of breaking the union's will to fight for the violation ...
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