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Mikhail Gorbachev's 1988 UN Speech

Essay Instructions:

If the pace of improving US-Soviet relations seemed rapid, Mikhail Gorbachev's speech to the United Nations General Assembly would shift the process into overdrive. In this remarkable oration, which you can find by clicking on the link below, Gorbachev emphatically declared that all nations must have the freedom to choose their own destiny, that ideology had no place in foreign affairs, and that great powers should renounce the use of force in international relations. Review his speech.


In 2 pages, address the following: Writing the questions in the paper does not count towards the 2 pages

Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum for this speech?

What did Gorbachev mean by "de-ideologizing relations among states? What implications did this have for superpower relations?

Why did he say that "force no longer can...be an instrument of foreign policy"? What implications did this have for the Soviet bloc?

What did he foresee as the future role of the superpowers in the world and the future relationship between them?

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Mikhail Gorbachev's 1988 UN Speech
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Why Did Gorbachev Choose the United Nations as His Forum for this Speech?
The rise to power of Mikhail Gorbachev ushered in a new era in Russian politics. Gorbachev was the first Russian leader in the Cold War era to take a more reconciliatory tone with the United States which culminated in the famous United Nations General Assembly speech of 1988. The United Nations provides an opportune forum for world leaders to deliver policy actions and thoughts. The United Nations General Assembly provided Gorbachev the chance to showcase the changing nature of Russia to the rest of the World. Moreover, it is the only body within the United Nations where all member states are represented. This forum helps to shine a light on major issues that affect most member states and provides member states an opportunity to take positions on the raised issues as well promote international political cooperation. Gorbachev used the forum as it provided coverage for his message and also enabled him to communicate the next steps towards the end of the cold war.
What Did Gorbachev Mean By “De-Ideologizing Relations Among States”? What Implications Did this have for Superpower Nations?
The de-ideologization of interstate relations is one of the most famous slogans from Gorbachev’s speech and it marked new political thinking in Russia (Gorbachev, 1988). According to Gorbachev, the new political thinking required that states move away from propaganda and instead engage in critical evaluation and promotion of ideologies that serve to improve the human condition. As Gorbachev took over control of the Soviet government, he implemented western-friendly policies such as glasnost and perestroika which served to prove that Russia had moved away from political and social ideologies that did not benefit the people (Colley, 2011). It is also evident that as Russia moved to a new ideological era it ha...
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