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Manifest Destiny and the Westward Expansion

Essay Instructions:


3–4 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12.

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Your essay should have a title and cite in APA format.

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Essay questions: (Choose 1)

1. Write an essay exploring the role of women in the late 19th century. In what ways were the roles, attitudes, and expectations for women changing? Why were those changes taking place? How was society responding to those changes? In what ways did the roles of women remain the same?

2. Explain the phrase manifest destiny. What factors were most important in drawing Americans to the West, both mentally and physically?

3. What led to the outbreak of the Second World War? Pay particular attention to the actions of the Germans and the Japanese.

Grading Rubric:

An A/A- paper (90-100%):

• Makes a clear and compelling argument, and offers insightful analysis

• Presents a logically organized structure that is easy to follow

• Completely and accurately addresses the essay prompt

• Effectively relies on the two readings to contribute to the student’s own reasoning and demonstrates mastery of facts and arguments. (Our textbook and additional online resources can be used as references).

• Has only minimal spelling or grammatical errors

A B+/B paper (80-89%):

• Presents a generally clear argument

• Presents a generally organized structure that is hard to follow in spots

• Completely and accurately addresses the essay prompt, though there are some small errors

• Use of readings generally contributes to the student’s reasoning, but may consist more of a summary than an independent analysis

• Has several spelling or grammatical errors

A C paper (70-79% points):

• Attempts to offer an argument, but it is based on faulty reasoning.

• Attempts to provide structure, but organization is poor and difficult to follow

• Misses or inaccurately addresses the essay prompt

• Little synthesis of the readings or a demonstrated understanding of the material.

• Has several spelling or grammatical errors

A D/F paper (69 % or less):

• Fails to make a cogent argument or to offer sound analysis

• Makes multiple spelling and grammatical errors that substantially interfere with comprehension

• Structure is disorganized or impossible to follow

• Misses or inaccurately addresses the essay prompt

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Manifest Destiny and the Westward Expansion
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Manifest Destiny and the Westward Expansion
Most American histories, particularly towards independence in the 18th century, had mainly featured the North and the Southern territories. The focus shifted drastically in the 19th century towards the American West. The white settlers from Great Britain had started moving west, where they created some settlements. The 19th century in U.S. history is dominated by what can be termed the westward expansion to denote the movement of settlers and the territorial growth towards the western part of the country (Mountjoy, 2009). The U.S. presented itself as a fairly ambitious county throughout the 19th century, determined to expand its territories even across the world by exploring means and ideologies of expansion different from that of other civilizations that had largely relied on war. Several factors contributed to the westward expansion, and among them is the popular ideology of Manifest Destiny.
Manifest Destiny is a phrase commonly attributed to John O’Sullivan, an editor of the mid 19th century. He mainly used the phrase in most of his pieces to signify the Americans’ autonomy to expand across the continent (Mountjoy, 2009). O’Sullivan was convinced that the U.S. had obtained the ordinance from God to spread its perceived superior form of governance across the continent and possibly the whole world (Mountjoy, 2009). The politicians and lobbyists soon adopted the popular ideology from O’Sullivan. They became critical in the acquisition of Oregon, California, and some parts of Mexico, all to the west of the U.S. Throughout the 19th century, the concept of Manifest Destiny became ingrained in the American spirit to imply the expansion of the country starting from the west coast to the rest of the North American continent. The phrase, therefore, played a critical role in the westward expansion.
Although the U.S. had resorted to exploring other means in its territorial expansion but war, its confrontation with Great Britain in 1812 as they sought to expand to the West became inevitable. The war between the U.S. and Great Britain, who had teamed up with the Native Americans, broke out in the summer of 1812. After under three years of conflict, the American troops overpowered the British and Indian soldiers (Roosevelt, 2018). The victory of the U.S. in the Naval war empowered the spirit of expansionism among the Americans while greatly disintegrating the boundaries of the British and Native Americans who were living in the west. American victory in the conflict also marked the onset of westward expansions that greatly def...
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