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Social, Political and Economic Life of Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties

Essay Instructions:

What major changes in political structures, and social and economical life, occurred during each of the following?

1. The Sui dynasty
2. The Tang dynasty
3. The Song dynasty

The paper needs to be 4 pages double spaced and needs to include a title and reference page.
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The Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties
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The Social, Political and Economic Life of Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties
The Sui dynasty
The glory of Sui dynasty was short-lived though it played a key role in uniting China after the fall of East Han Dynasty. Sui dynasty lasted from 581 A.D to 618 AD. The Sui dynasty set the foundation for the subsequent dynasties in politics, economy and cultural development. Politically, the Sui dynasty transitioned the chaotic and often warring southern and northern dynasties to establish the Tang dynasty which was more impactful economically, politically and socially.
Many of the traditions initiated by the Sui were carried to Tang dynasty and set the ground for the golden age in China. Consolidating the warring northern and southern dynasties helped establish a more powerful regime with more powerful armies. The Sui dynasty introduced the Confucian civil service exam. This was an important element in its social organization. Many low-level families primarily of peasants had a chance of joining the higher level affluent families if they had a talented child. The new system of organization restructured the political sphere but led to more equity in selecting leaders on merit, not family influence or affluence. Trade also improved as the northern and southern dynasties had relative peace hence more people traversed the kingdom over economic reasons and increased its cultural diversity.
The economy grew steadily as the kingdom enjoyed relative peace and fewer wars within itself. Politically, the Sui dynasty developed the idea of governing using ministries, and he developed three departments and six ministries which established a system that balanced power in the central court. Previously, China was led by ministers who were appointed by the emperor, and they ruled with a lot of bureaucracy. However, the Sui dynasty Confucian system created a politically neutral civil service that struck a balance between the emperor and the court. The new system enabled the governing of a large area with the help of imperial court and helped institute a fairly stable political and social foundation for the Tang and Song dynasties.
The Sui dynasty left an economic footprint by digging the grand canal spanning from Beijing to Hang Zhou. The canal linked the yellow river to Yangtze river and though primarily it was meant to transport supplies to armies on the battlefield. The canal helped invigorate the economy through promoting trade by increasing the efficiency of transporting goods and people. The grand canal and the canals which were later dug by subsequent dynasties served as important infrastructural facilities till the invention of railway transport.
1 The Tang dynasty
The Tang dynasty was regarded as the golden age of ancient Chinese. The Sui dynasty had levied heavy taxes and forced the population to labor for its prosperity and protection especially from the Korean regimes to the east. The Tang dynasty found an existing framework instituted by the Sui dynasty and they had to quell the civil rebellion which had stemmed from heavy taxation and forced labor. The Tang dynasty was destined to flourish if only it addressed the problems facing the public during the Sui era.
Socially and culturally, the Tang dynasty promoted Buddhism which when coupled with Confucianism became the new social and moral standards for the Chinese people. Tang dynasty also tolerated Nestorian Christianity which was a foreign religion, and the emperor ordered the construction of its temple in its capital CITATION Jam06 \l 103...
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