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Were The Puritans Selfish Or Selfless

Essay Instructions:

Using the documents you have been given, as well as your textbook, answer one of the following questions in 600-750 words to be submitted on Google classroom: 1 What were the two most significant factors that caused King Philip's War? 2 Were the Puritans selfish or selfless? Remember to consult your Writer's Notebook and use 12- point, Times New Roman font in a double-spaced Google doc.

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Selfishness can be defined as the act of being concerned excessively with oneself; seeking or concentrating on one’s own advantage or pleasure that is existing without regard for others. It arises from one’s personal concern over others. Whereas selfless mainly advocates for no concern for self [unselfish], it entails showing great concern for other people and little or no concern for yourself, it’s quite a saintly act. In recent times it has proven difficult to come across a selfless person since everybody seems too concerned with one’s personal interests.
Puritans are members of a group of English Protestants, who existed in the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the reformations of the Church of England under Elizabeth as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship. They were identified by their way of life, which entailed spirit moral and religious earnestness that actually told their entire way of life which they sought through church reforms. They tried to change the lifestyle and pattern of the nation; their efforts to transform the society did not go down well, it leads to civil wars in England and the founding colonies in America. The Puritans believed that it was very vital to dwell in a covenant with God to save humanity from the sinful nature, they also believed that God had chosen to show salvation through preaching and that they relied on the Holy Spirit as their source of energy in their quest to spread the salvation.
It can be noted, therefore, that the Puritans lead a selfless lifestyle and can be described as Christians who were exceedingly abstemious. In that they drank no alcohol, neither did they attend dance...
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