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Key Ideas which Helped in Framing the US Constitution

Essay Instructions:


The U.S. Constitution

After reading the Background materials and conducting further research on your own, answer the following short-answer questions:

What were some of the key ideas which helped in framing the U.S. Constitution?

How did these ideas differ from those in England?

How did Federalists and Anti-Federalists differ in their view of government? Give details. (You may use the Federalist papers as a resource).

What compromises were made between both groups in order to reach an agreement and ratify the Constitution?

The best way to approach this paper is to follow the order of the questions and begin your paper with, “1. What were some of the key ideas which helped in framing the U.S. Constitution? How did these ideas differ from those in England?” Since this is a two-part question, it would be good to present it in two sections. For example; once you’ve completed your discussion on framing the Constitution, then create a sub-title, “How did these ideas differ from those in England?”. And then present your findings.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of the paper.

Length: 1–2 paragraphs per question, double-spaced, typed in 12 Point Times New Roman font.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.

Some in-text references to the background readings (APA formatting not required).

The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the background readings.

Upload your paper to the SLP 2 Dropbox when it is completed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The US Constitution
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What were Some of the Key Ideas which Helped in Framing the US Constitution?
            One of the key ideas that helped in the framing of the US constitution was the need to revise the Articles of Confederation. After the US declared independence from Great Britain, it used the articles of confederation to conduct government functions. However, this document was weak because it did not give Congress the power to levy taxes or regulate foreign and interstate commerce. The inability to levy tax implied that the state bore the burden of repaying debt from the Revolutionary War (Lumenlearning.com, n.d.). Besides, it did not provide an executive branch to enforce any act passed by Congress. Additionally, the article did not provide a judicial branch or a national court system (Kelly, 2016). Therefore, the only way to solve these problems was through the constitution that gave the central government certain powers and created the three arms of government: the executive, legislature, and judiciary. This formation allowed for the separation of powers. 
           Another idea was James Madison's Virginia Plan, which proposed a robust federal government with the three branches of government. The plan also called for a bicameral parliament: the House of Representatives and the Senate that would represent every state based on its population or tax base (Lumenlearning.com, n.d.). Madison's plan was prompted by the failures of the Articles of Confederation.
How did these Ideas Differ from those in England?
           These ideas differed from those in England based on the separation of powers. As noted, the revision of the Articles of Confederation and Madison's plan focused on introducing a solid system of separation of powers between the three arms of government. However, England's ideas emphasized the fusion of powers, a feature where different arms of government, especially the executive and the legislature, are intermingled. For instance, the UK constitution allows the executive members to serve in the legislature. Simply put, whereas the ideas from the US advocate...
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