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Industrial Revolution Transformation and its Impact on American Workers

Essay Instructions:

Write a 4 to 5-page, double-spaced paper in 12-point font that responds to this prompt:

“Beginning in the 1820s and the 1830s, the industrial revolution began to transform the United States - and, in doing so, also transformed the lives of American workers. What were the main changes and challenges that industrialization posed for American workers during this period? How did workers respond as they tried to defend their livelihoods in the face of these changes - and how successful were they?”

Your main tasks in this paper are:

1) to make a clear argument in response to the questions. Based on the readings, what are your answers to these questions? Think about what your answers are, and use these answers as claims (i.e., your "argument" or "thesis") that you state clearly and then elaborate on and explain throughout your paper, citing course readings.

2) display your understanding of the issues asked about in the questions through elaborating on your argument. As you explain why you think what you do, you should show your understanding of issues such as the early industrial revolution, its impacts on labor and work, and ways workers responded.

3) again, be sure to base your claims on the assigned readings, documents, and other materials covered in class (with an emphasis on the readings mentioned above). You don't need to mention everything, but your papers must draw widely from course material, especially course readings.

You must include citations of readings and lectures (you can use footnotes, endnotes, or parenthesis - whatever you prefer, as long as I know where you're getting your information). I strongly discourage you from citing readings from outside of class.

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Industrial Revolution Transformation and its Impact on American Workers
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The 1820s and 1830s were instrumental decades in the lives of Americans as a market revolution took shape, transforming American business. Before the 1820s, the country was characterized by agriculture, living in rural areas, widespread inequality due to few jobs, and few small urban businesses. The transformation resulted in transportation improvements and advances in communication; farms grew, producing products for international markets, and the manufacturing industry expanded due to machines’ invention. The significant transformation pushed American workers to leave their homes for cities and created increased employment opportunities. Nonetheless, it exposed them to poor working conditions, overworking, and child labor, forcing them to fight back through political action and activism, a battle they eventually won.
Changes American workers experienced.
           The primary change American employees experienced was moving away from their homes to cities. The need for economic independence due to population increase and a high number of laborers without lands to till pushed them to consider alternative income sources. Thus, according to Fonner (1977, p. 135), most rural dwellers left home for the first time, their beautiful memories, joys, and family’s care and protection to the promised land in the cities in search of employment in factories and mines. As a result, they were influenced by the new cash economy, making more leave their homes for cities for better lives.
           American workers experienced increased job opportunities. According to Clark, Hewitt, Rosenzweig, Lichtenstein, Brown & Jaffee (2008, p.332-333), the intensifying of the transformation led to farms expanding and began producing products on a large scale for export. Manufacturing products such as cotton and grains expanded, creating the need for laborers, warehousemen, dock workers, and sailors who would unload and store goods. Similarly, the expansion of roads and construction created numerous job opportunities for construction workers and handypersons. Consequently, American workers had a wide choice of factories and different jobs. For example, William Shaw, a textile worker, worked for four factories within nine years, changes he made based on access to job opportunities and income earned (Shaw, 1838, p.90). Also, the need for more managers and operations employees increased as industries expanded all over the country. Hence this increased the supply of jobs all over the country. 
Challenges of industrial revolution transformation on workers  
            One of the significant challenges was poor working conditions. The workers were forced to work long hours of work between 10-16 hours shifts every day. Depending on the establishment, the shifts primarily began as early as 4.20 a.m. and till 7.30 p.m. Moreover, while on shift, employees were only given half an hour for breakfast and an hour and a half on good days for lunch. Thus, they were severely overworked and stretched beyond their limits. The American workers were also exposed to poor working conditions. According to Shaw (1838, p.91), most employees were forcefully crumpled in ventilate factories whose windows were nailed shut, lacking proper ventilation. During the winter, the factories were not heated, exposing them to extreme cold. Moreover, children employees were punished through whipping and their pay cut for being late or making mistakes (Shaw, 1838, p.91-92). Such grievous human rights violations made the working environments deplorable and dangerous to the workers.
Prejudice against women was another challenge. Women were undervalued and faced unfair treatment and low pay as they were deemed physically weak and their skills considered outdated. In “Amelia, a Woman Worker, Protests Wage Slavery: Lowell, Massachusetts, 1845 (...
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