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European's view of Indigenous people in North America

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Order topic: European's view of Indigenous people in North America

Order instructions:

1. Topic choice 1, praise indigenous people in North America

2. There are three books need to use as the sources: Peter Mancall, Envisioning America(Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 1995), ISBN: 9780312096700; George O'Connor and Bogaert, Journey into Mohawk Country,(New Yourk:First Second, 2006);

Allan Greer, The Jesuit Relations(Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000)

3. MUST use all the three books.

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Europeans View of the Indigenous People of North America
The entrance of Europeans and the colonization of North Americans had a significant influence in the way the communities of North America viewed themselves. Their culture and environment was greatly appreciated by the Europeans. As Mancall (1991) notes the Europeans realized the shores of North America were very interesting an aspect that denotes their like for the North Americans. Mancall accounts the history of North America colonization throughout its period of colonization and the aspects that they found interesting among the North Americans. Notably the culture of the North Americans has been cited by many narrators including Allan Geer. Geer (2000) narrates the experience of the Jesuit missionaries throughout the 17 century in North America. He narrates the lifestyle of the Montagnais and the algonquins. Geer gives the details of the culture of the North America and what they later apparexciated as their lifestyle among these indigeneous people of North America. O'Connor and Bogaert, (2006) expolores the journey of the 23 year old Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert who was touring the Mohawk territory out of curiosity and in need for understanding of the origin of the beaver skins that were used by the Indians in shipping down the river. He also sought out to find whether the money that went into the pockets of the Dutch also went into the pockets of the French. Without any key maps or guidelines the Harman and his friends set out for the journey to realize and understand the aspects for themselves. Their aim was to revive the fur business in the New York City. There journey in the North America has several encounters with the indigenous population of the North America. Although the three authors have a different narration and encounter with the indigenous people they all describe the culture of the North Americans in different aspects. This paper will analyze the views of these three authors in a combined manner and how well they appreciated the Indigenous North Americans.
The indigenous people of North America are the natives of the land who occupied it during the early days and are believed to have been living in the American continent since 12,000 B.C. These people mostly fell into different tribes and ethnic groups whose cultural activities differed slightly, though; they were hunters and gatherers or practiced agriculture. The migration and later settlement of these indigenous people to the current geographical location of North America is still a question under contestation by many historians. Scholars and historians have not mutually agreed on the basis of the origin of these people even though some argue that they might have originated from Central Asia on foot or using primitive boats. Through archaelogical study there is some evidence of the existence of human activity in North America dating back to almost 13000 years.
There is a great significant praise from the authors concerning the boldness of the Native Americans in sourcing of livelihood from the inhospitable environment. These people lived in the midst of very harsh climatic conditions of extreme cold seasons and a chaotic terrain of rocks, hills and rivers. They interchangeably sourced their livelihood from fishing in nearby rivers and lakes, hunting and gathering of wild animals that lived in the forests that often surrounded them. In most cases, they carried out an activity depending on the favorable season of the time because sometimes the weather could change to extreme levels and limit the continuity of either hunting or farming. They also traveled from one place to another and changed their habitats as often to follow herds of animals they hunted. Thus, they learned to construct houses with which they could move. The modern Europeans always admire the ability of the Native Americans to live and eat from their surrounding primitive environment; evidence alluded from the authors (Greer, p. 20).
The Americ...
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