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Imperialism and World War I

Essay Instructions:

Should the United States have acquired an empire in the late 19th century? Write a paragraph from the perspective of an imperialist or an anti-imperialist. Consider these questions.

1.) What was behind the U.S. drive to expand?

2.) How did European expansion affect U.S. imperialism?

3.) What role did the concept of manifest destiny play in U.S. expansion globally?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
U.S. Imperialism in the 19th Century
Imperialism in the 19th century was brought about by a single factor: economic. With the abolition of slavery in the United States ushered in a change in the conduct of economics – from a purely production based society (with slaves providing cheap labor), the country was forced to discover new ways of supporting its people. A Second Bank of the United States was chartered to establish a stable national currency and to regulate public credit issued by private banking organizations. The financial market was born, and it created a new way of expanding income for those who had enough money to invest. Expeditions to map out the extent of U.S. boundaries was created, and led to the discovery of new fertile land with vast natural resources. American Indians were driven out of their homes because the White people believed it was their god-given right to explore and take over the whole North American continent. As more Europeans immigrated to the New World, a new series of economic problems began.
The increase in population and greater reliance to industrial production demanded more resources. Moreover, as industrial technology became more advanced, the U.S. increased its capacity to produce and needed new markets to whom new products could be sold to. The frequent panic due to instability in the financial market drove this point home. And so, New Imperialism, was a necessity – without it, the United States would not have been able to support its people and become one of the most powerful countries in the world today. Unlike European "imperialists who took over and completely controlled foreign nations and people…[the] Americans were simply expansionists who moved into land on a continent waiting for the spread of Americans and American democracy" ADDIN CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : [ { "id" : "ITEM-1", "itemData" : { "URL" : "http://users.humboldt.edu/ogayle/hist111/empire.html", "accessed" : { "date-parts" : [ [ "2015", "6", "17" ] ] }, "author" : [ { "dropping-particle" : "", "family" :...
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