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HST320: The Significant Transition Time In China

Essay Instructions:

In class and in our reading assignments we have encountered China in times of (sometimes dramatic) transition. Yet within the periods of transitions, there were important ways in which the past continued to play an important role. Focusing on our course readings, choose one period of transition and show the important ways in which the past continued to be important. Explore the implications for the impact of the past on the present.

Your essay will be due Tuesday, in class (note revised due date). Bring a hard copy to class, and upload an electronic version on Blackboard. To get credit for your assignment you must provide both the hard copy and updated copy. Please adhere to the deadline. Papers submitted late will be downgraded.

Your essay will be judged by the extent to which:

You offer a sound and convincing argument;

You demonstrate careful reading of the sources;

You include ideas from lecture and other assigned readings as appropriate;

You craft a well-written and well-constructed essay;

You demonstrate the understanding of the history presented thus far in class;

You are able to write a paper that is free of careless errors.

I've already wrote the first paragraph, please continue to finish the rest of the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
HST320 Yubo Chen 31/3/2019 The significant transition time in China The Sino-Japanese War from July 7, 1937 to September 2, 1945 has played a vital role in transforming China from a war-torn country into an internationally recognized nation. The transformation started immediately after the war as the consciousness of the Chinese people was impacted in different ways. Therefore, apart from being one of the founding members of the United Nations, the war greatly improved China’s global status as well as its influence on international affairs. As a result, the Sino-Japanese War that occurred from 1937 to 1945 resulted into lessons that have been vital in China’s transition. One element of the Second Sino-Japanese War is that it had its roots in decades of tension between China and Japan. At that moment, Japan was modernized and militarized. In contrast, the Chinese people relied on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that lacked weapons, a strong industrial base, and militarized training. With its might and technological advancement, Japan served as an exemplar and model to all Chinese modernizers. As a result, even though China won the war after receiving help from the United States and other allies, the country adopted westernization reforms that focused on its navy and the overall military. This trend has been adopted by all other presidents including the current president Xi Jinping who insists China must continue to strengthen its maritime power frequently. During the July 2013 Study session with Politburo members, Xi Jinping explained how seas and oceans are important strategic factors in the development of military and technology with regards to global competition. Currently, China ranks only behind Russia and the United States in military strength and military budget worldwide. The PLA that was so weak has grown over the years to become the world’s largest military force. The country has advanced weapons such as B-2 bombers, combat tanks, and Aircraft carriers that guard its territorial waters. Its military power has even resulted in the country demonstrating sovereignty in disputed maritime areas such as Spratlys and Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. In fact, China’s military strength is so powerful that Japan who was the enemy during the second Sino-Japanese War cannot dream of fighting her now. Furthermore, an important participant in the Second Sino-Japanase War was Jiang Jieshi who led a corrupt government plagued by economic issues. In addition, Jiang J...
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