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Civilization in the history of Greece

Essay Instructions:
Write the paper from scratch no apa, no source, write in your own words, MAKE SURE THERE IS NO PLAGIRISM Answer each questions separate on Page 4 - 5 -6 answer them in this order - do not put the question on the page - put the number only 4 - 5- 6- and cover sheet free 4. What are the three (3) most significant patterns of transition in the civilizations of Persia, Greece and Rome between 500 BCE and 500 CE? What makes these classical civilizations different from early civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China? 5. Of invasion by “barbarians,” disease and famine, or political and religious corruption, which was most significant in the declime of the classical civilizations in Persia, India and China? How does this compare to the decline and demise of classical Greece and Roman civilization? 6. Of the three regions (Africa, the Americas and Oceania), which area had the most advanced cultures? Why was this possible? How should we judge which ones were and weren't the most advanced?
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4.Civilization changes in the history of Greece, Persia and Rome came from changes in their political status, economic institutions and belief in science. In their political life, the rise of dynamic city states of classical Greece starts in around 500 BCC and reaches a high point with the leadership of the Athenian Pericle. The next prime era came under the expansionist Alexander who briefly united Greece and the Persian Empire.
It was believed that the combination of the two civilizations was called Hellenism. Rome began development as Hellenism waned. Rome grew into an empire as a result of gaining territory from wars with its neighboring countries. Greeks were mainly self-sustained farmers. They grew mixed crops for both subsistence and cash sale purposes. Slave trade was also a vital economic and social activity. Trade, agriculture and the slave trade, were the key aspects leading to the founding of their empires Crouch & Johnson ( 2001).
The family was the smallest unit of the society with men being the leaders of their own homes. Women were allowed to trade, take care of household goods and to control property. The Romans had significant contributions in Science and engineering fields. The Greeks had expertise in arts, literature, sculpture, architecture and plays. The Romans simply tried to mimic the Greeks arts culture, but their innovators could barely surpass the Greek innovators.
There exist some differences between the civilization in Greece, Persia and Rome and that in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China. Women in Mesopotamia for example, had equal powers with men. Hey could even be made rulers and goddesses. This is not the case with the culture in Greece, Persia and Rome. In Rome for Example Women had no powers and could not rule or own property.
Mesopotamia believed in many gods but they had no human feelings as compared to the Greek gods who could get jealous, feel pain and love.
5.Fall of classical civilization in Persia, China and India was due to the invasion by the Hun invaders. This was after they had started experiencing mismanagement in their internal political circles. In China, as the central government weakened, the local landlords became more powerful and increased tax on the peasants who intern became more uncooperative. They formed movements and soon the government was no longer able to rule over its subjects ef...
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