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The Causes, Conduct, And Consequences Of World War 2

Essay Instructions:

This module guides you through the causes, conduct, and consequences of World War 2. It is important to understand the dynamics of the war and how it changed the United States and its position in the world. The war and its aftermath will also define the origins of the Cold War, the East-West conflict over ideas and spheres of influence that will last for half a century. It is important to pay particular attention to how the war was ended, both militarily and politically. The security of the United States, its defense policy and spending, and its domestic character will all be greatly affected and will serve as a backdrop for our discussion of the conformity of the 1950s, the rebellion of the 1960s, and the conservative resurgence that will take place in the late 1970s.

Here are some reminders that will help you achieve success this week.

The module lectures and Author Insight videos are a good place to start:

Chapter 26, Author Insight Video

The Efforts of President Roosevelt and the Allies to Shape the Postwar World | View Transcript

Chapter 27, Author Insight Video

Containing Communism | View Transcript

PowerPoints for Chapters 26 & 27

Chapter 26 PowerPoint

Chapter 27 PowerPoint

For your Critical Thinking essay this week, you will choose to write about why President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb or about the 1959 Kitchen Debate.

You will also submit your Portfolio bibliography, which is a major milestone for your Portfolio Project.


Chapter 26 and 27 in America: A Narrative History.

African American Odyssey. (2008). The depression, new deal and World War 2. Library of Congress. Retrieved from http://memory(dot)loc(dot)gov/ammem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopart8.html.

Gruver, E. (2005). FDR at Yalta. American History, 40(1), 44-50.

National World War 2 Museum. (n.d.) Take a closer look: America goes to war. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nationalww2museum(dot)org/learn/education/for-students/ww2-history/america-goes-to-war.html.

Richmond, Y. (2009). The 1959 kitchen debate. Russian Life, 52(4), 42.


CNN. (1998). Cold War: From Yalta to Malta. Retrieved from http://web(dot)archive(dot)org/web/20081217154418/http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/SPECIALS/cold.war

Nichols, T. (2015, August 6). No other choice: Why Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. The National Interest. Retrieved from http://nationalinterest(dot)org/feature/no-other-choice-why-truman-dropped-the-atomic-bomb-japan-13504

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History Module 5 Essay
History Module 5 Essay
By the time the world clocked August 1945, the Second World War was almost coming to an end. With Germany defeated, it would not take long before the likes of Japan were also left reeling in pain and wishing they had not taken entered the war. However, Japan was adamant and aggressive, and its leaders did not find the idea of surrender friendly. It was widely known that the Second World War was already lost, but Japan had other plans. Its leaders opted to keep fighting to the end. However, in the US, something was brewing, and its effects would forever change the course of the world as well as the position of the US. In July, President Truman learned of the success of what he termed as “the most terrible bomb in the history of the world” (Reynolds, 2005). In making this bomb, the US government had invested billions of dollars and committed thousands of hours in research. Come August 1945, President Truman was faced with the hardest decisions a president could ever have: to use or not to use the ‘most terrible bomb in the history of the world.’ Ultimately, he chose the former, and the world has never been the same since he gave the order.
While giving an account of his actions, President Truman said that his decision to use the bomb was primarily military and that he harbored no ill-will against the Japanese nation. In his explanation, he said that invading the country and prolonging the war would have cost the US and Japan more lives. The Japanese had managed to orchestrate more than 3,500 kamikaze raids and these had already claimed thousands of American lives. Truman sought for an end to all this and to him, prolonging the war was not the best option on the table. Apparently, he believed that the decision to drop the bomb also saved the lives of Japanese civilians as well because it ended the war and days later led to the surrender of the Japanese officials.
Not everyone agreed with the decision to drop the atomic bombs. There were different points for and against dropping the bomb. First of all, the bomb was deemed illegal because as per the statutes of the League of Nations, it was deemed illegal to bomb civilians. Therefore, some people felt that the decision to specifically bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were densely populated was ill-motivated. Another argument against the bomb was that it was widely viewed as unnecessary because Japan wa...
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