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Understanding the Historical Chronology of Art that Vasari Presents

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you are to read short excerpts from Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects and Leon Battista Alberti's Treatise on Painting. The link to the PDF file is here. Using our reading and other sources, briefly address the following things:

Explain the historical chronology of art that Vasari presents. What periods of history does he think are advantageous for art and which not? What reasons does he give?

In addition, describe how Alberti's instructions on how artists should depict their subjects reflect new Renaissance values and interests.

Do these passages reveal the influence of Renaissance Humanism?

Suggested length: 3 to 4 pages*

*Note for judging suggested lengths: All writing assignments are to follow these guidelines for length estimates: Imagine a sheet of letter-size (or A4) paper with double-spaced 12pt type and one-inch (or 3cm margins. Hopefully, this will help when I specify an approximate length for assignments.**

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Brief Written Assignment
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Brief Written Assignment
Explain the historical chronology of art that Vasari presents.
Vasari presents a unique chronology of art that helps capture how art evolved over the years and the challenges that impacted art. First, Vasari talks about art as a subset of nature. He speaks of how art has been conceived from the heart even without man's prior exposure to art. He talks of how people reared in the woods happen to be impacted by nature to practice art. He speaks of how the first men on earth were motivated or inspired by their surroundings to conceive the first art ideas. However, he clarifies that this period was not buoyed by what he considers perfect art, which he believes came in the next phase in his chronology.
The second phase in Vasari's chronology involves the Roman Empire. In this era, Vasari notes that art attained the perfection that was lacking before. In this phase, art grew and acquired wings as it became more sophisticated and suave. Also, it grew in relevance, but according to Vasari, it was declining regarding its essence. Other Caesars did try to continue enhancing and facilitating the development of art, but they all fell short as the decline of art continued.
However, even though the quality of art declined, the growth in other nations' strength also significantly impacted Rome's art. Vasari notes that as rebellions arose all around Rome, some of the best artists, painters, architects, and sculptors were killed and their works destroyed as the empire was declining in strength. Without understanding the importance of the artworks, the rebellious nations thought it best to destroy these works. Nevertheless, the destruction experienced during the rebellions does not match the one that happened at the hands of the Christians who destroyed everything on their path in their quest to spread religion and denounce the pagan world.
Lastly, Vasari speaks about Gothic art, which came much later. However, he also speaks to the re-emergence of the antique arts that came about later, but that connected to the old pieces.
What periods of history does he think are advantageo...
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