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Gentrification and Atlanta History

Essay Instructions:

1. Gentrification and Atlanta History (and neoliberalism)

Explain how gentrification and the history of Atlanta’s infrastructure led to the economic and racial disparities in the Atlanta Public Schools community. Make sure you pay attention to the narrative on public housing. How does this theme emerge in the first four chapters of the book? How did these issues contribute to the cheating scandal? Include details about how neoliberalism is related to gentrification and Atlanta’s infrastructure in this response (refer to the book and articles on neoliberalism)

2. The Investigation and the Scandal

Chapter four provides extensive details about the GBI investigation. Explain how this investigation is beginning to take shape. Be sure to include the role of Governor Deal and Beverly Hall. Why are these two figures important in the emerging narrative of the cheating scandal? What were the teachers charged with? Does anything seem off yet about the way the investigation is being handled? Are there any details you think are important to remember as these events unfold?

3. Race and the Scandal

Discuss the theme of racism in context of the historical events the book mentions. What are some of the historical events (specific to Atlanta) that are compounding factors of why the cheating scandal became an attack on Black teachers in Atlanta? These historical factors are not directly related to the APS cheating scandal, but they are factors that built up the foundation that allowed the scandal to unfold the way it did.

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Gentrification and Atlanta History
Gentrification and the history of Atlanta's infrastructure have significantly shaped the economic and racial disparities within the Atlanta Public Schools community. Atlanta's urban development and infrastructure history have been marked by racial segregation and discriminatory policies. The construction of some highways intentionally divided predominantly Black neighborhoods. This division led to the displacement of residents and limited access to resources/ opportunities. As a result, these areas experienced low levels of investment. The resultant poverty necessitated a public housing project.
The Atlanta Housing Authority developed public housing to address the housing needs of low-income residents, particularly African Americans. However, these projects became hubs of concentrated poverty due to neglect and underfunding. As Atlanta experienced a revitalization and an influx of wealthier residents, low-income neighborhoods underwent rapid transformation. Property values rose, displacing long-term residents who could no longer afford the skyrocketing living costs. The cheating scandal that unfolded in the Atlanta Public Schools further precipitated the consequences of these disparities. In an attempt to improve academic outcomes and secure funding, educators resorted to undertaking unethical practices. These unethical practices included altering test scores. The pressure to meet unrealistic standards greatly influenced the culture of cheating. The unrealistic standards were pegged on the ensuing neoliberal education policies.
The Investigation and the Scandal
The GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation) investigation into the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal was shaped by key figures. These figures include Governor Nathan Deal and Beverly Hall. Governor Deal appointed special investigators from the GBI to address the allegations. This appointment highlighted the seriousness of the situation. Beverly Hall, the former superintendent, played a central role in the emerging narrative as she led the district during widespread cheating....
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