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Final Essays: The Cultural Revolution In Context

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Each response should present a coherent argument that makes judicious use of assigned readings and material presented in class. References to the readings should be informally but properly cited (for example: Schoppa, p. 39), and no use of other than assigned readings is permitted. For each of these questions, we are interested in your personal views. But you must be certain to support your views with evidence from lectures and class readings.

Question 1: The Cultural Revolution in Context

Many people in and out of China view the Cultural Revolution as a complete anomaly, a phenomenon that had nothing in common, nothing to do with, the rest of China's modern history. Do you agree? Or is it possible to find linkages between the Cultural Revolution and earlier (and subsequent) events?

Question 2: Public Profession / Private Belief

Throughout our course, one major theme of our discussions has been the difference between what people say publicly (that is, what they profess) and what they actually believe. Choose two or three periods that highlight this duality and give some examples from each. How can we, as historians, get at the innermost beliefs of historical subjects? Carefully chosen evidence from course readings is crucial to your answering this question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Short Essays Name Institution Final Short Essays The Cultural Revolution in Context Cultural Revolution brought to an end the bondage to oppressive social constructs while allowing the expression of the individual thoughts on both personal and public matters which was not allowed in the Confucian’s ideological concepts. Denouncing the old traditional cultures and embracing more liberal thoughts on individualism broke the bondage to Confucian social demands and constrictions. Politically, the Cultural Revolution ushered in a new era of inclusivity and political socialization of the public in state matters through debates, dialogues and conversations across the local and national platforms. Academic institutions through their devout intellectuals and scholars further influenced the Revolution by sensitizing and encouraging the youths to take part in the reconstruction of the Chinese community for a better future to which they belong. It goes without saying that the Cultural Revolution has its imprints on the rest of China’s modern history as it set the foundation for future generations to make or rather take bold steps in influencing change to their society in case of any infringement of their rights and freedoms. A correlation exists between the Cultural Revolution and the rest of China’s modern history as the latter evidently borrows and learns from characteristic features of the Cultural Reconnaissance though it lacks a conspicuous impression on the modern Chinese history. China’s Cultural Revolution brought to an end the oppressive systems of the Monarchial and Dynasty regimes that demanded unquestionable loyalty to the social, cultural, and political beliefs set by the governing authorities of the time. Enforcing of these ideologies took precedence at the filial platforms as parents demonstrated the regimes form of governance within their households in impacting conformist attitudes to their sons and daughters (Schoppa, 2016. pg. 163). The unquestionable loyalty to the authoritarian regimes of the time reflected within the family set up through the strict adherence to the ancestral code of conduct for unit families that advocated for unconditional respect and upholding of the family values. Personal interests and forged beliefs by an individual were not part of the traditional Chinese community as almost every action or step taken by an individual in life was a dictate of the government through the instilled conformist cultural beliefs guiding the conduct of families on various matters and issues. The Cultural Revolution refers to the comprehensive restructuring process of the social, political and cultural activities of the vast nation taking place from 1919 to around 1924 (Schoppa, 2016. Pg. 170). Developing from denouncing the affiliation to filial piety to demanding accountability for major government decisions such as the ceding of Chinese territories to the Japanese colonialists the Revolution formed a basis upon which individuals could voice their discontent with incumbent regimes (Schoppa, 2016. Pg. 171). The use of violent protests in political upheavals for change was characteristic of the Communists regime rise to power through Chairman Mao Zedong. The intellectual revolution of the generation who championed for the new reform was also the platform upon which modern Chinese history built around. It was a common practice of the communist regime, in its efforts to consolidate power, to send the vocal students to the rural area to establish contact and familiarize the local folks with the nationalistic approach and direction the country was taking. The debates on whether to make cultural reforms seeking complete autonomy from the Chinese classical traditions are also evident in the rest of modern Chinese history. The recent communist regimes beginning with Chairman Mao faulted the agents of change that struggled for the Cultural Revolution as being individualistic and deterrent to the national development of the nation (Schoppa, 2016). It was a tactic employed during the Cultural Revolution as opponents were labelled as being t...
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