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The Factors that Prompted the Migration of African Americans into the U.S

Essay Instructions:

Overview: In the first milestone for the final project, you established the three starting points that you are going to investigate for your final paper. You identified the cause of the event, when the event started and finished, and the major figures involved in the event. For this milestone, you will be asked to research the surrounding context of the event. In other words, you must understand the trends surrounding the event and the relationship between the trends and the event. Trends can be the policies that the event has gone against, the political turmoil caused by the event, or the cultural issues. Note: In the earlier tasks in this module, you discovered the historical trends and supported them with scholarly sources. In this milestone, you will now combine that information and explain how these surrounding trends impact and relate to your historical event. Remember, the sources you are using should come only from the provided list to ensure that they are scholarly and essential to the time period. Prompt: Explain the significance of the major trends of the time period and explain how those trends relate to or impact your chosen historical event. In other words, why were the trends that defined this historical age important, and what is the relationship between those trends and the event?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Establish the Context: In this section, you will write multiple paragraphs using information from the course regarding the time period in which you historical event took place. You will use this section to set the stage for your argument. This section of your essay must include the following:
A. Illustrate the larger historical setting.
1. Identify major trends relevant to your chosen historical event.
2. Explain the significance of the major trends of the time period, connecting the trends to your chosen historical event. In other words, why were the trends that defined this historical age important, and what is the relationship between those trends and the event?
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least one primary and one secondary source from the provided list cited in APA or Turabian format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
4-3 Final Project Milestone Two: Larger Historical Context
The immigration of the African American community into the United States of America is perceived as a fascinating element due to the levels of magnitude it contains. However, it is essential to establish that the immigration of this populace into this State may not be considered as a contemporary phenomenon as this aspect finds its roots in the period before the American state was developed as a state. It is, therefore, in order to propose a research to establish the factors that caused the great migration of African Americans into the United States. The study investigates the factors that prompted the migration of the African Americans into the United States of America.
Factors That Led to the Great Migration
According to Carl & Sandbur (1919) the mass migration of the African Americans transpired during the first half of the twentieth century. The first Great Migration was the movement of African Americans during World War I. Scholars focusing their studies on this wave of migration attributes its exodus to economic reasons. In 1930, economists, historians, and several sociologists developed approaches aimed at detailing evidence that was directed towards proving the African Americans who lived in the rural South underwent impoverished economic situations that went beyond their control, thus pushing them from their place of living.
On the other hand, Edmund (1955) alludes to the fact that the industrialization of the Northern urban areas resulted in the shortage of labor, hence led to an intensified demand for different finished goods, an aspect that pushed American Americans northward with the sole objective of getting jobs for economic stability (Edmund & Cronon, 1955). By equating money with power, this population believed in the fact that migration would be effective in securing their citizenship rights in the United States of America, a right they were initially denied in the South.
The African American’s were considered as the key participants in this migration as a result of the instability in the agricultural sector in the South that fueled the desperation. The African Americans, therefore, sought for other work opportunities such as the extraction of turpentine, the cutting of lumber at sawmills, cleaning, and cooking. The dissatisfactions in low wages saw most of the young African Americans migrate to the north in pursuit of employment (Frederick &Douglass, 1895). Fredrick and Douglass (1895) also detail that racial threats and economic motivations were in this case the primary aspects that caused the movement. The author argues that racial violen...
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