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What was the Impact of Politics and Society on Art during the Etruscan, Roman and Early Christian Eras?

Essay Instructions:

Part V:  TAKE HOME ESSAY  (25 points)
Bring your completed typed essay to class on Friday 10 November, to be submitted with the rest of your exam.  
Choose ONE of the following four prompts.  Develop an argument and respond as clearly and concisely as possible, providing examples to support your argument.   If you wish, you make prepare one (1) additional essay for Extra Credit. Should you choose to prepare an Extra Credit essay, be certain to indicate which essay is which. N.B.: You are asked to complete this portion of the exam at home. This is not intended to be a formal essay in the sense that you need to write a lengthy paper, but your response should be complete, and demonstrate a solid grasp of the material (works of art, styles, themes, etc.) – keep this essay in the realm of 2 – 2 ½ pages, maximum.  Make sure to include some form of introduction, thesis statement and conclusion; the introduction and conclusion need only be a sentence or so each. Also be sure to identify each work as fully as is appropriate (you may include much of the ID in parentheses, if you prefer and/or is less disjointed/works better for your particular essay).  Keep in mind that simply listing works of art, or describing them, is insufficient, and does not adhere to the requirements of the assignment, or the questions as articulated in the various prompts.  This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge, ideas and interest in the various issues and works of art.  Not only is research not required, it is discouraged – this informal essay should be based entirely on your thoughts, ideas and analysis, supported, as necessary, by the textbook and class lecture notes. That being said, you must cite any words or ideas that are not your own.
Approach your selected question – and response – according to your interests, observations and analyses.  While you need to address the question posed in the prompt, you have a great deal of flexibility in how you chose to do so. I want to hear (read) what you think, your ideas, observations, analysis, et al, and get a sense of your interests and enthusiasm.  Select a prompt that appeals to you, that relates to something you want to talk about. Select your supporting (and/or contrasting) examples the same way.  Keeping the requirements of the prompt in mind, select examples that interest you, or evoke an emotional response of some sort. Try to select a range of examples: Don’t simply select four works with identical subjects, comparable means of depiction, similar compositions, media and techniques from a limited geographic region and/or chronological period. Make sure to present an argument – both in setting up your paper, and as you discuss each of the four examples – rather than simply listing and describing each work, or providing a general, unspecific discussion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What was the Impact of Politics and Society on Art during the Etruscan, Roman and Early Christian Eras?
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What was the Impact of Politics and Society on Art during the Etruscan, Roman and Early Christian Eras?
The earliest recorded aspect of Roman art is related to the demise of the Etruscan leaders including the expansion of the region in the 509 BC. In the past, the Roman art was divided into three major periods, and this includes the Etruscan, Roman and early Christian eras? The society and politics played an instrumental role in influencing the growth art particularly in the three periods (Culican, 2017). This paper critically analyzes the impact of politics and the society on art during the three periods.
Roman art was divided into two major periods, and this includes art of the Republic and art of the Roman region (from 27 BC on), and the subdivisions corresponded to the leaders of the imperial dynasties. Roman art was composed of painting, architecture, and sculpture (crystalinks.com, 2010). In addition, other luxury objects included metal-work, gem engraving, and glass, and these were at times regarded in modern times as minor forms of Roam art. However, they were not the issue for various kinds of contemporaries.
When the Republic was being formed, the phrase Roman art was basically similar to the art of the Roman region, and it had the stamp of the Etruscan art. During the two centuries, this art was notable in Greece, and the Roman art acquired the dependence of the Etruscan art. Over a period of two centuries, particularly before Christ, in emerged a distinctive way in which sculpting, building, and painting developed (Culican, 2017). However, since the unprecedented geographical growth that pertained to the expansion of Roman Empire, there were diverse populations that expanded across ...
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