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Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic

Essay Instructions:

essay #2: select one of the following questions for a 2-3 page double-spaced essay. Review each of these topics thoroughly and consider the evidence you would want to use to answer each question.

[The writer can choose one topic which you like for me.]

[I am sorry that I didn't find the PDF of the reading book. If you also can't find books, you could use examples from Google which also acceptable.]

1) Virgil's Aeneid, though ostensibly set in the distant past, contains many references to Roman history and the political situation of Virgil's lifetime. Discuss the various ways, explicit and implicit, that Roman history and politics are incorporated into the epic. Where are political figures and events from Virgil's own time mentioned, and in what light are they portrayed? How can Aeneas' conflicts with Greeks and Carthaginians be compared to conflicts in later Roman history? Do you think Virgil uses these ancient analogues to convey a political message? Support your argument with specific passages from the Aeneid, and specific events and people in Roman history.

(Our readings from the Aeneid and the historical background in "Boatwright, Gargola, and Talbert. A Brief History of the Romans. Oxford, 2006" are central to this topic)

2) Julius Caesar was a controversial figure in his own lifetime and has remained so since. He has been celebrated as a pragmatic savior of the troubled Roman republic, and also condemned as a crowd-pleasing demagogue and self-aggrandizing tyrant. Explore our sources and make your own assessment of this complex Roman kingpin. What were his major cultural and political initiatives? What were his main military achievements? How did he push the boundaries of Roman political and religious traditions? Why did his opponents see him as an existential threat to the Roman republic? Was he such a threat?

(Our readings from "Boatwright, Gargola, and Talbert. A Brief History of the Romans. Oxford, 2006" are central to this topic; you will also want to use the biography of Julius Caesar in Suetonius' Life of the Caesars)

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Essay of the World of Rome
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Essay of the World of Rome
Julius Caesar remains to be a renowned, controversial figure of his lifetime. Moreover, his scholarly and political leaders in olden Rome dominated the enormous Region of Gaul. He helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he depicted dictatorship characters in the Roman Empire. However, despite his political skills, the celebrity with Rome's middle and lower class rule interfered with his opponents, who threatened his political ability and rising power, which eventually assassinated him. In such light of understanding, he remains to appear in Roman history as an authoritative leader such that he depicted several ways of determination. For instance, he crossed the Aegean Sea en route to Rhodes to learn Oratory and philosophy. Reportedly, while on his journey, murderous pirates captured Caesar, but he showed domineering characters of a leader with pirates than their slave. This paper focuses on Julius Caesar as a controversial leader and explores how he was a complex Roman kingpin. Finally, answer the questions provided based on fact-based arguments.
Political And Cultural
Julius Caesar was a Roman politician, and a Roman general is popularly known as the roman dictator. However, he ruled for a shorter period before he was popularly assassinated. He started his political career in earnest by becoming a military tribune and then quaestor of roman Province about sixty-nine B.C. unfortunately, his wife died the same year. In sixty-five B.C, Julius became a significant Roman magistrate who developed great games such as circus Maximus (An olden chariot – racing stadium and mass entertainment site in Rome). The great games endeared him to the public but led to debts.
Julius Caesar tends to be considered as one of the best military commanders in ancient Rome. According to several scholars, his greatness tends to be measured through Gaul's most prominent conquest. He arose through levels to first unofficially rule Rome as part of the First Triumvirate based on his political career. He later became the most powerful person in the roman republic with a dictatorial title in perpetuity (Boatwright, Gargola & Talbert, 2006). Most significantly, he implemented several numerous reforms during his period as Rome's undisputed leader, incorporating measures to get rid of poverty. In such light of understanding, the following tends to be among l of his achievements.
Julius Caes...
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