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Discourses on Good Government in the Confucian Tradition

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All the requirements are in a document called the Second Eassy Assignment. Please read it carefully. There are three themes to choose from, and I have uploaded the information required for one of them. You can choose a topic that you think is beneficial to you, and then inform me to upload the corresponding material. I have uploaded the first paper, and I hope you can have a look at it and the professor's comments, so as to improve and complete this paper according to the professor's comments. Please feel free to contact me, thank you.

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Comparing and Contrasting Discourses on Good Government
Comparing and Contrasting Discourses on Good Government
In China, Confucian philosophy significantly determined the governance of affairs in the society. There was a strong belief that a fundamental order harmonized the relationship between humans, nature, and the supernatural through philosophy. Since humans were regarded as natural beings, it was expected that the fundamental order would be exhibited in how people relate. On government issues, The Discourses on Salt and Iron records the relationship of government to society. It also showcases the policies initiated during the reign of Emperor Wu, which increased the role of government in societal affairs. Another important record is the Government, Society, and State: On the Political Visions of Ssu-ma Kuang and Wang Anshih, highlighting some critical issues relating to governance in the Confucian tradition. Comparing and contrasting Han discourses in The Discourse on Salt and Iron with Northern Song debates on government between Wang Anshi and Sima Guang assists in understanding how governance was conducted in the Confucian tradition.
Good Government in The Discourses on Iron and Salt
There are diverse elements of good government exhibited within The Discourse on Iron and Salt. From the Literati perspective, it was proposed that the principle of ruling entailed “forestalling wantonness while extending the elemental of virtue, discouraging mercantile pursuits while inspiring benevolence and righteousness” (Discourses on Salt and Iron, n.d., p. 1). Through this aspect, it is clear that Confucian tradition valued increasing virtue and care for all people through good government. Moreover, it was argued that the government was meddling in the business of iron, salt, and alcohol. It was fostering selfishness and greed. The monopolization of these sectors made people unable to meet their livelihood. Wealth was believed to abound through the simplicity of the people. However, being extravagant leads to poverty and hunger. Therefore, good governance should abolish the monopolies and encourage principal industries to the advantage of agriculture.
On the other hand, the Lord Grand Secretary argued that Iron, Salt, and Alcohol monopolies emerged because of the rebels against the established authority. Measures of precaution were established to prevent the forays and depredations. The salt, iron, and alcohol monopolies were established to address the revenue shortfall and enhance wealth to furnish the frontier expenses. Therefore, termination of these aspects would deplete the treasury and expose the soldiers to hunger and cold. Abolishing these measures was not expedient and was necessary to ensure proper governance and protection of the people from the rebels (Wan, 2012; You, 2010). Although the Lord Grand Secretary presented this view, the Literati based their arguments on the Confucian tradition. As the discourse reveals, it is imperative for the ruler to be concerned about the absence of equitable treatment among the people. The ministers should cultivate a spirit of benevolence and righteousness instead of pursuing profit and loss. This was an important aspect that would guarantee people’s confidence in their authority. Therefore, The Discourse on Salt and Iron cements benevolence and righteousness as essential for rulers.
The Lord Grand Secretary based his defense of the monopolies on the rebels’ power. The lawlessness and unruliness exhibited by the rebels deserved punishment. Because the masses did not have any defense against the rebels, the ruler decided that soldiers would stand in front of the war. Disregarding the monopolies of salt and iron would impair the military abilities. Therefore, the proposal by the Literati would not be considered because it dismissed the frontier aspect. Further, the Literati also outlined how the ancients people upheld virtue and honor, discrediting wars (Discourses on Salt and Iron, n.d.). Based on the Confucian tradition, violent people should be influenced by civil culture and virtue. After they are attracted, “they should be made contented and tranquil” (Discourses on Salt and Iron, n.d., p. 3). Reliance on military force should not be the primary resort for rulers. The needs of the military burden the people with labor while exposing the soldiers to cold and hunger. Therefore, creating the monopoly was not a sustainable approach to address the issues and must be abolished. The Literati supported engagement in manual labor as a primary economic activity. The king must not set an example of thrift to his subjects. There is a need to be careful on expenditure and hon...
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