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Defining Characteristics of Modernism in Art, Literature, and Philosophy

Essay Instructions:


After watching the YouTube videos and reading the assigned readings, please choose one of the topics below and discuss the topic accordingly. It is not necessary to respond to all of the questions in the thread topic; these questions are intended to help facilitate critical thinking about the topics and materials. The discussion should simply present a thoughtful response that addresses the main topic chosen.

Minimum word count: 300 words

Must include at least two direct quotations (with page numbers) from two different readings or other materials

YouTube lecture video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECTFGMIw_vM

YouTube Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9fuNWGrX4U

YouTube Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DukMPx6Fn_c

YouTube Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXxw6tpM970

YouTube Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgF6m9VGIJE

Textbook link: https://b-ok.cc/book/21346061/1d82da (I used Adobe Digital Editions to open the download)

  • Please use the following sections in the book for the assignment:
    • Page 49-73: Chapter 2: Modernity and the Unsettling of Europe, 1900-14
    • Page 84-88: Elites and the Spiritual Future of Europe
      • F.T. Marinetti, Manifesto of Futurism
      • Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art
  • Page 89-93: Picture Essay: Cross-Cultural Borrowing in Modern Art

Topics (choose only 1 to discuss)

  1. Modernism

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What are the defining characteristics of “modernism” in art, literature, and philosophy? What is the relationship between “modernism” and “modernity”? Consider examples from the assigned materials (images, texts, movie scenes, etc.) that illustrate different “modernist” views or responses to the modern world.

  1. City Life

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What was life like in European cities during the 1920s? What kinds of new spaces, activities, jobs, or entertainment were becoming available? How might one’s social or economic status have affected their urban lifestyle? Consider different examples of depictions of city life in the assigned readings and materials for this unit.

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  1. Social Criticism

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What kinds of social criticism can be found in the art, literature, and even popular culture of the 1920s and 1930s? What kinds of causes did artists, intellectuals, and activists engage in? How did they utilize new forms of media and culture to express these views? Compare and contrast different political or social messages in some of the artistic works discussed in this unit.

  1. Open Discussion

In this thread you may post your thoughts and reactions related to any of the ideas or materials presented in this unit. You may also pose your own discussion questions. However, just as in the other threads, your posts should be substantive and should refer to the assigned readings and meet the requirements stated in the Discussion Forum Instructions. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Before the First World War broke out, there was an existing general feeling of anxiety. What yielded the anxiety was the feeling that the world was moving at an unprecedented rate toward an uncertain future. The extraordinary change resulted from modernism, which assaulted longstanding traditions (Smith, 2020). Modernism is an artistic and cultural movement that characterized the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. Modernity, on the other hand, refers to the characteristics or conditions, in general, of the modern world. The two correlate because modernism is regarded as a cultural and intellectual response to modernity (Poole, 2017). Even though there was no telling what the future held, there was a great deal of optimism and excitement at that time. In expressing this, art and culture embraced new styles and experimentations. In addition, they explored concepts that were dark, ug...
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