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Da Vinci, Sanzio, and Michelangelo, Baroque and Rococo Art, and Neoclassic and Romantic Art

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to the following questions in complete sentences. Each response should have approximately 200-250 words. You should be comprehensive about what we have studied (include main ideas and be inclusive of important details relevant to the question) and comparative in your responses (don’t just talk abut one work or artist). Please coherently organize what you write. Remember that you must do your own work and not download other people’s material from the Internet. Any infraction of this rule will result in an F for the grade.
1. Explain the art of three different Renaissance artists, and how they are different and similar, making reference to specific works by these artists.
2. Explain the difference between Baroque and Rococo art, mentioning major differences (and similarities) in their characteristics. Make reference to a number of artists and works in both movements.
3. Explain the major characteristics of the Neoclassical movement, with examples.
4. Describe your favorite Neoclassic work that we have studied. Explain the characteristics of it and why you like it. Make descriptive comparisons to other works we have studied.
5. What are the characteristics of Romantic art? How is it different from Neoclassic art (give extensive detail on this)? Describe two different Romantic works of art and their characteristics.
6. Explain the difference between Realism and Surrealism, with examples.

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1 Explain the art of three different Renaissance artists, and how they are different and similar, making reference to specific works by these artists. 
* Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo was influenced by nature, uncle as well as a master. He was supported by influential persons such as the Pope Leo X and the Medici family. Leonardo painted and sculptured, but he is renowned as a painter, especially for his most known two paintings; the Mona Lisa and Last Supper, the most famed portrait and religious paintings of all the time. Leonardo work conceived ideas that were mostly ahead of his time as he conceptualized a tank, a helicopter, and a calculator among others.
* Raphael Sanzio
Raphael was born into a family of artists. Pope loved him and in turn, he painted many pieces of art for him. Raphael had a colossal ego. Raphael was apprenticed to a painter, and he ended up inventing a new style of art. In his art, Raphael put highly realistic emotions, and this influenced others to do it. He is known for his drawings and paintings’ grace and the perfection. Raphael studied Michelangelo’s work but could not achieve his level as he died young.
* Michelangelo di Lodovico
Michelangelo was an Italian painter, sculptor, poet, engineer, and an architect. Like da Vinci, he was renowned as a painter and a sculptor. He was supported (given money) by the Medici family. Michelangelo was very popular with the church. He had a sense of practical rather than theoretical in his work compared to Raphael and da Vinci. Michelangelo succeeded in bronze sculpture, fresco painting, and monumental works.
2 Explain the difference between Baroque and Rococo art, mentioning major differences (and similarities) in their characteristics. Make reference to a number of artists and works in both movements.
* Differences
Mainly, Baroque art illustrates the overstated, grand, dynamic late-European art established in 1650-1700 whereas Rococo art is the late-Baroque response as it embodied more intimacy as well as light playfulness. Additionally, in the Baroque era, art reflected royalty and Catholicism strength by exemplifying ornamentation and opulence. On the other side, the Rococo art arose after Louis XIV’s death in 1715, and it was drawn of a much softer and relaxed age which was initially demonstrated in decorative arts in internal design. Baroque was more serious, heavier, and masculine but Rococo art was relatively lighter and more feminine.
* Similarities
Both Baroque and Rococo arts were relevant during the most of the 1700s. Such is because the Rococo style of art was developed at the end of the Baroque movement (last phase) and thus, both of them share a similar history timeline. For example, the Palace of Versailles had features of Baroque architecture but had style interiors of Rococo art. Second, at first glance, both Rococo and Baroque furniture styles were almost impossible to tell apart. For example, some aspects such as sculptural C-and S-scrolls and curvaceous cabriole legs were evident in both styles. Both Baroque and Rococo styles of art used framed canvas paintings as well as fresco-style paintings as accompaniments for interiors. Lastly, exuberant decor and opulent furnishings are common characteristics of Rococo and Baroque decorating styles.
3 Explain the major characteristics of the Neoclassical movement, with examples.
The neoclassical movement was the revival of the Classical architecture in the 18th century to early 19th century. This movement was concerned about the logic of the whole classical volumes. The features of the neoclassical movement are geometric forms of simplicity, the grandeur of scale, Roman or Greek detail, dramatic use of columns as well as the blank walls preference. The incoming taste for the antique simplicity was a representation of the universal reaction to the Rococo style’s excesses. People during the neoclassical era were at ease with social norms. People worked to improve appearances. Art and literature were written during this time highly comprised of simple human beings’ portrayals.
The neoclassical movement&...
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