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Crusades: Purpose, Participants, and Desired Outcome

Essay Instructions:

Using the primary sources embedded in the Week 10 Learning Module, write a one page (minimum) response to the following questions.

1) What were the Crusades?

2) What was the purpose of the Crusades? Give some of the background information.

3) Who participated? Why were men (and women) so willing to become involved in these events? What was the appeal and what was the benefit?

4) What was the desired outcome of the Crusades? Was this goal realized?

Remember, direct quotes must include quotation marks and citations are required in the (recognized) style of your choice. Your response should be well organized and thorough and include specific evidence from the primary source documents.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 10 Short Answer
1) What were the Crusades?
The Crusades consisted of a sequence of religious conflicts between Christians and Muslims. Securing control of holy sites regarded as sacred by both groups was the war’s primary objective. Between 1096 and 1291, eight notable Crusade excursions of different sizes, power, and degree of success took place (Strayer & Nelson, 2021). The costly, violent, and often vicious wars elevated the European Christian’s stature, making them significant contenders in the fight for land in the Middle East (Strayer & Nelson, 2021).
2) What was the purpose of the Crusades? Give some background information.
After centuries of Muslim wars of expansion, Western European Christians began organizing Crusades against the spread of Islam. First, the purpose of the Crusades was to stop the expansion of Muslim states. Secondly, the Crusades’ purpose was to help Western European Christians reclaim their land in the Middle East (Strayer & Nelson, 2021). Thirdly, the role of the Crusades was to help recapture territories formerly owned by the Christian community.
3) Who participated? Why were men (and women) so willing to become involved in these events? What was the appeal, and what was the benefit?
Since the Crusades began due to conflicts between Christians and ...
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