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Comparison and Contrast of Happy Accidents of the Swing and Napoleon I Painting

Essay Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-5 page essay comparing and contrasting two works of art from two different styles covered in this course between the periods of the High Renaissance and Impressionism. One of your selected works of art must be from AFTER the midterm (Modules 8-14) You must cover the following points in your comparison:

Introduction and Thesis

Introduce the artwork titles, period styles and artists names

Briefly state what you believe is significant about these artworks

In other words… Tell your reader what works of art you will be discussing and why you think they are important

Stylistic analysis

Correctly identify artwork titles, period styles and artists names

Compare the artworks by discussing key stylistic characteristics associated with artists and period styles

Apply art history vocabulary correctly and uses it to support your stylistic analysis

In other words… What make these works stylistically significant?

Cultural analysis

Compare the artworks by discussing key cultural issues associated with artists and periods

Discuss how the cultural context of each period influenced the artistic development of the period style (Make connections between cultural context and style)

In other words… What makes these works culturally significant?

Conclusion and Thematic Connection

Analyze the ways art can affect and/or reflect cultural, political and social issues

Draw conclusions about the artist / society which produced the artwork from the comparison

In other words… What “Thematic Connection” can you make between the two works of art that helps you better understand them or the culture they represent?


Incorporate 3 our more sources (outside of lecture notes & textbook) to support your analysis

Properly cite your sources using MLA format

Include a list of “Works Cited”

Written Mechanics

Use of grammar, spelling and punctuation correctly throughout your paper


In other words…there should be no mechanical errors!

SOURCES: 3 in addition to the module text

scholarly professional web site (for example, a museum, research institute or university)

nonfiction book published within the last 50 years

an art history textbook such as Gardner's Art Through the Ages, Jansen's, or Schneider-Adams

professional art historical publication (magazine or journal, can be online) such as The Art Bulletin

Databases such as the Oxford Dictionary of Art Online (accessible through the AAU Library website)

Credible professional websites such as those of museums, galleries, and universities, for example:

The Getty Center

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

In other words… Don’t use Wikipedia!!!


Your research paper must:

Be a minimum of 3-5 pages, excluding illustrations, headings, and paragraph breaks.

Be spell-checked, grammar-checked, proofread for errors not caught by your computer.

Include a heading containing your full name, ID number, class title and section, date, and instructor's name.

Be typed and double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Be submitted as a Microsoft Word-compatible document (.doc or .rtf, not .docx).

Cite references used according to MLA style and include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. You are encouraged to use A Writer's Reference by Diana Hacker for help with MLA style, revision, punctuation, and sentence style, and A Short Guide to Writing About Art by Sylvan Barnett for specific help with comparing and contrasting artwork.

Briefly explain a role an artist can play in society.

In answering this question, use an example (specific artist or artwork) that we have covered in this class.

Note: This is extra credit for those of you who would like some extra points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course code:
Comparing and Contrasting Two Works of Art
Neoclassicism refers to a period where the artist draws inspiration from the classical periods of Greece and ancient Rome. The cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris was the stage in which the event inspired the coronation of Napoleon 1 painting. Napoleon, I appeared in the presence of Pope Pius VII, where he broke the tradition by crowning himself, king. Therefore, Jacques-Louis David, a French painter, recreated the event detailing the likeness of what transpired. The second period in this comparison is the Roccoco or Late Baroque, which refers to the people's obsession with decorative and theatrical style through their architecture, art, and decoration. This period inspired art such as the famous The Happy Accidents of the Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard. It is a painting that depicts elegance through a woman seated on a swing with two men on either side. This essay compares the two works of art and how the respective periods influenced the artistic decisions of the painters.
Jacques-Louis David was born on 30 August 1748 in France, when new classics of the highest rank was the obsession. It was the age of newfound enlightenment where people wanted the details of the items they own to mirror the same set of standards of their hierarchy. This included paintings, ornaments, and home decorations whose main inspiration was derived from a society that idolized the Greeks and Romans CITATION Joh \l 1033 (Joachim). The coronation of Napoleon 1 (otherwise known as the "Scare") was such a painting that documented an event associated with the haves in society.
Paintings during this period embodied the character of class in every aspect by using unique and spectacular scenes. The cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris was the setting for the painting, and its relevance classifies the painting as a class. It was considered one of the most delicate pieces of architecture in gothic France and held a religious significance by consecrating to the virgin Mary.
Apart from the setting, the colors had also captured the eye and emphasize the worth of the painting. Consequently, the painters chose beautiful and often rare colors to complement their work. Colors such as deep red and gold were already associated with royalty; therefore, paintings that embodied those colors were immediately associated with the higher class.
Apart from being a painter, Jacques-Louis David was an active supporter of the French Revolution and a friend of Maximilien Robespierre (1758–1794). With his influence, he managed to lord over art in the French Republic using dictatorial methods. Consequently, the art of this period was used heavily as a political tool for the French revolution CITATION Lum \l 1033 (Lumen). Also, at the time, Napoleon managed to consolidate the French regime after the revolution in capitalist imperial centralization. The self-coronation of Napoleon I ignored years of tradition, which closed the death of the relationship between capitalist France and the church.
On the other hand, Happy Accidents of the Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard was a painting that embodies the experimentation of its time. Art, architecture, and molds combine...
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