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Comparing Political and Domestic Order in Han China and Imperial Rome

Essay Instructions:

Using the assigned sources, compare and contrast the ways that political and cultural elites in Han China and Rome attempted to create political order (through leadership) and social order (through gender and family norms, and explain these differences between China and Rome.

Weeks 9 and 10 focus on the first "globalizing" empires of Han Dynasty China and Imperial Rome. One of the most serious challenges faced by this new empires was the problem of creating order in empires that were ethnically, religiously, linguistically, culturally, and politically diverse. Using the documents on pages 332 to 338, answer this question:

Using the assigned sources, compare and contrast the ways that political and cultural elites in Han China and Rome attempted to create political order (through leadership) and social order (through gender and family norms, and explain these differences between China and Rome.

Your answer should be at least two (2) pages long (double-spaced, 12-point font). No sources except for the textbook, may be used. Be sure to cite your sources. Please use parenthetical notations. When using the textbook, use this citation - (Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, pg. #).

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Han China and Rome
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Han China and Rome
The Roman and Han China empires were both powerful in the world during their time. Both empires collapsed due to corrupt leadership. This research compares and contrasts the ways political and cultural elites in both tried to create order as a major challenge faced by the two empires.
The two dynasties faced Barbarian invasion from the Greek states and internal fights. They were aggressive states thus conquered wars easily with their properly endowed military. The Han dynasty separated China into districts while Rome had provinces, making the rule a little different. Special aristocratic class headed the Chinese government while the military, senate, and citizens shared power with Rome. Rome's wealth originated from taking more land by force or the aristocratic land rules to expanding city-states while the Chinese built their great wall to separate them from the rest of the world. The Chinese got revenue from diplomacy as they married their women to the Barbaric states. While China collapsed due to an increase in population by dividing the farmlands into smaller pieces and leaving no land to give for an inheritance, Rome collapsed due to the decrease in its population when smallpox occurred. The empires' cultures were different; Han China was based on Confucian philosophy or earlier imperial traditions (Tignor, Adelman, Brown, Elman, Kotkin, Prakash, & Tsin, 2017). The Romans worshiped several gods, had the strict military discipline and were more aggressive than the Chinese, who relied on diplomacy and foreign trade. The political methods of order in the empires differed greatly.
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