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Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence

Essay Instructions:


For this lesson, please write a two page essay on Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence. As you read these two documents, remember that they were written by two men from very different backgrounds. However, both of these men respond to the events occurring in Massachusetts and long to see the rest of the American colonies become involved in the struggle for independence.

Please make sure you address the following things in your paper:

Examples of some of Paine's most important arguments

Why Paine's writing was so effective

How the Declaration of Independence differed from Common Sense

Why the Declaration of Independence has been so important in American life and thought


Both Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence can be accessed through the URL in the Links menu.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence
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Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence
The Independence War was an important timeline in the United States' history after the first colonies affirmed their liberty from the British Realm. Even though it seemed challenging to imagine today, numerous individuals were originally opposed to a planned revolution against Great Britain. As a result, the fact pressed Thomas Paine to write the "Common Sense" pamphlet to act as the distress for independence and democracy against the British monarchy tyranny. Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence began the colonists in the United States.
Thomas Paine's Common Sense, published in 1776, was part of a mocking polemic against injustices of law by a king. However, its writer made a correspondingly eloquent argument that Americans had a chance to alter history by establishing a new government in which individuals would be liberated and rule themselves. One of Paine's important arguments was when he wrote, “We have every opportunity and every encouragement before us, to form the noblest purest constitution on the face of the earth,” “We have it in our power to begin the world over again” (Paine, 2021). Paine also claimed, “The Almighty hath implanted in us these inextinguishable feelings for good and wise purposes” (Paine, 2021). Conversely, he also purported that the United States had an uncommon chance to establish a country based on self-rule. Another important argument by Paine was that it was necessary to have robust central governments. Paine projected that the new country would have a solid central government with a constitution safeguarding people's rights.
Paine's Common Sense managed to go viral centuries before the presence of the internet, selling a lot of copies. One way the writing was effective was because the pamphlet attracted public support for rebellion and revolution leaders who were pressured to declare independence. This spread was achieved because the writing promoted the notion of American exceptionalism and the importance of creating a new nation to attain its promise. Fu...
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