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Cities That Emerged Due To Strategic Location Research

Essay Instructions:

Topic is Choose three cities that emerged during different eras (1) Ancient Cities (2) Urban Revival; (3) the Age of Mercantilism and Empire; and (4) the Industrial Revolution; that had a strategic location, explaining what aspects of that location were important and how those characteristics shaped the way in which each city evolved. 500 words.

This is mainly answer by using what is leant in class and his provided materials to answer. I will upload the related materials and 8 examples ( pick one that matches to this topic). Doesn't need references, this is a preparation topics for the exam, this is one of it. These four era each has different materials, it seems the attachments doesn't allow the files more than 30MB. I will sent it to support by the email.

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Cities that Emerged due to Strategic Location
In most cases, cities emerged due to their strategic locations. The strategic locations mostly affected trade and other economic activities in the area. Examples of these cities are those located at the coast, historical trade routes among others. This paper discusses such cities and why their strategic location was important. The three cities discussed in the paper are New York City, Rhodes, and Dover.
New York is a coastal city that emerged during the times of industrial revolution. It was through its strategic location at the coast that led to its growth. During the time of industrial revolution, materials across the world were needed for the growing industries. These materials were minerals such as core and coal which were bulky. Due to this water transport was necessary. New York being at the coast was the best place to build harbors through the ships transporting these materials from different parts of the world would dock. Additionally, the city was served by a network of large rivers and lakes, for instance, the Great Lakes of the US like St. Lawrence. New York thus was a convergent point for custom, and that's how it grew. New York is also a city that emerged during the age of Mercantilism and Empire.
Rhodes is an ancient city that got the interest of its founders due to i...
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