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Campaign Finance Spending

Essay Instructions:

Many people feel that there is room for improvement in the area of campaign finance spending. What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? What is the role of soft money? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and labor unions? Why? Why not? Be specific. Provide concrete examples.
Possible Site Trips
For detailed information about current campaign election laws and for the latest filings of campaign finance reports, go to http://www(dot)fec(dot)gov. This site has lots of good information.
To find excellent reports on where campaign money comes from and how it is spent, be sure to view the site maintained by the Center for Responsive politics.
Another excellent site for investigating voting records and campaign-finance information is that of Project VoteSmart.
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Campaign Finance Spending
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Campaign Finance Reforms
The current status of campaign reforms states that corporations and labor unions are free to fund political campaigns. On January 21, 2010, the supreme court allowed the political expenditure by unions and corporations as noted under the First Amendment in the case of Citizen United v. FEC case (FEC, 2021). Examples of corporations and unions include the NRA, Planned Parenthood, and ACLU. However, ACLU considers rational boundaries on contributions towards campaigns. For instance, in 2016, $6.4 billion was used for presidential campaigns (Ingraham, 2017). Generally, larger corporations have an advantage on campaign funding over small corporations since they have more money to spend. Most of the country’s finance is spent on campaigns by politicians as companies donate vast amounts of cash to candidates to increase their votes.
Reforms are Realistic Expectations
Reform is a realistic expectation of the American political process since many politicians spend vast amounts of money, which citizens expect from them (SCOTT, 2021). Politicians seem to care only for their well-being and campaigns. Besides, a large amount of money they spend on themselves is predictable and practical.
Role of Soft Money
Soft money refers to funds donated to political parties whose function is not to promote a certain candidate. The funds are largely unregulated, and they do not have a cover on them. Political parties are free to spend the money as they deem fit, provided the actions align with the primary objective of increasing votes. Soft money became famous after the Federal Election Campaign Act (1974) limited the number of hard money folks, and political committees could donate. Hard money refers to funds donated directly to certain candidates (SCOTT, 2021). Hard money has strict rules on the amount donated, how the funds can be utilized, an...
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