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Brown Vs Board Of Education 1954 Civil Rights Movement

Essay Instructions:

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that answers the following three (3) items using headers to separate each item:

  1. Discuss either one (1) civil liberties or one (1) civil rights events. The event must be from within the last two years, or from the past. Select an event that has influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American government today. Provide examples to support your answer. In your response, consider how the event influenced the way state, local, or national political leaders or agencies responded in a socially responsible or ethical manner toward the community. Please cite your sources in APA style.

  2. Discuss one (1) media event (past or present) that has positively and/or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. The event can be within the last two years, or may be from the past. Provide examples to support your answer. Consider how a news story or media coverage of an event positively or negatively changed the public’s opinion (or perception) regarding how responsible a government agency should be towards meeting the needs of its customers (i.e., the American people). Please cite your sources in APA style.

  3. Discuss one (1) difference between the Republican and Democratic parties that may have an ethical impact (positively or negatively) on the American people. Provide an example from the past 2 years to support your answer. Consider the different ideologies, values, morals, and/or goals held by the Republican and Democratic parties, and their different views on the ethically or morally right way to govern and make the best policies for the people they serve. Determine if your example presents any type of ethical concerns for or against the public’s best interest of the American people. Please cite your sources in APA style.

In your research, you cannot use Wikipedia, online dictionaries, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, or any other Website do that does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and reference page must follow APA format. Check the website for additional instructions and Grading Rubric score chart.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. Include a reference page.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Have at least 3 references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Written Assignment # 1: Politics- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow First Name Last Name Strayer University POL 110 Prof. First Name Last Name Date Writer Assignment #1 Question #1: Brown vs Board of education 1954 civil rights movement Prior to the Brown v. Board of Education 1954 civil rights movements, there was widespread racial segregation in America. Colored people were barred from using the same public facilities as whites. Different states passed laws – Jim Craw – encouraging racial segregation (Turner, 2015). These laws remained unchallenged until 1954 when the case of Brown v. Board of Education was brought before the Supreme Court. The outcomes of this case would pave the way for the ending of racial segregation. The Brown v. Board of Education 1954 case triggered a civil rights movement that helped abolish Jim Craws laws as they were known and allow colored people to use the same facilities as the whites. The case which was a consolidation of five cases raised a number of issues with the most pertinent one being that separate education systems made colored children to feel inferior. The ruling of the court overturned various precedents that promoted racial segregation. Following the ruling, states, through their attorney generals were required to draft plans on how to end racial segregation (Lopez & Burciaga, 2015). The Supreme Court later issued a detailed plan on how racial segregation would be ended. Whilst the results of the ruling were not immediate, it helped in gradual acceptance of colored people as equals. This was not only in public schools but also in other public facilities including transport facilities. For example, there were numerous sit-in in public transport vehicles which would later allow colored people to travel comfortably using public transport facilities. Question #2: Trump’s “Travel Ban”; executive order 2017 In January 2017, the U.S. president, Donald Trump issued an executive order banning admissions of refuges and barring people from various Muslim countries from traveling to America. The executive order, which was purportedly intended to protect Americans and their jobs sparked immediate protests and legal battles (The White House 2017). It also triggered a conflict between the executive and the judiciary with the federal judges in various states suspending it. Dozens of lawsuits have sought to declare the move illegal as it targeted Muslims yet most of the recent security related bleaches came from within. The executive order opened again darker moments of the country’s history when people or groups were singled out or discriminated against (Collinson, 2017). The executive order has been likened to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which allowed the authorities to deport foreigners and imposed new huddles for those wanted to immigrate into the country. Other historical instances could incarceration of Japanese American during the Second World War In addition to the above, the executive order necessarily me...
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