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Black Culture History

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Essay about African American History

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Black Culture History
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Black Culture History
These days, you do not have to walk far before encountering an African American since the population has continued to grow remarkably. African Americans are the second largest minority group in America after Hispanics. According to OMH (2021), the population of African Americans stood at 40 million people in 2019, which represented 12.8% of the total population. The history of black people in America evokes fascination and profound emotions in equal measure. It documents that black people first arrived in America in the early 16th century. Some were free, while others were slaves and worked as soldiers, interpreters, or servants (Library of Congress, n.d.-a). The most celebrated black explorer at the time was Esteban de Dorantes, who was held in slavery by a Spanish captain. Since the 16th century, the population of black people has been on an upward trajectory owing to such factors as slavery, and they have endeavored to overcome numerous adversities through various means, including the civil rights movement.
Slavery in America
Undoubtedly, it is impossible to ventilate about African Americans without mentioning slavery. Massive evidence shows beyond any reasonable doubt that slavery was the most fundamental contributor to the exponential growth of the black population. Even though pockets of slavery existed in the 16th century, the turning point happened in 1619, when about twenty Africans were brought to Virginia in captivity (Library of Congress, n.d.-a). Though classified as indentured servants, these individuals were caught up in the transatlantic slave trade that would grow in leaps and bounds over the years. The dramatic growth of slavery affected the lives of hordes of Africans in ways that defy human description. In a word, 1619 marked the uninterrupted history of black people in America.
In the two centuries that followed, black people were transported in their millions from various African ports and sold into slavery in America. They were forced to work in plantations under inhumane and horrific conditions. History documents that enslavers provided enslaved people with inadequate clothing, food, and shelter, despite forcing them to work for hours on their plantations. In actual fact, enslaved Black people formed the engine of the American economy since they created wealth, opportunities, and prosperity for millions of Americans (Equal Justice Initiative, 2018). Yet, they continued being subject to unwarranted and untold hostilities that caused many deaths. Despite the myriad restrictions imposed on slaves, their masters allowed them to marry and sire children. The enslavers allowed this because they viewed slaves as property, and the more they procreated, the better. Consequently, this phenomenon also contributed to the tremendous growth of the black population in America.
When the slaves ultimately achieved emancipation through the emancipation declaration by President Lincoln, they enjoyed some modicum of freedom, which improved their life expectancy. This must also have influenced the growth of the black population. By and large, even though the transatlantic slave trade marked one of the darkest periods in the history of black people, it contributed remarkably to their inhabiting America. This, in spite of everything, opened up new opportunities for black people, including employment.
The Ways of Black Americans
The emancipation of enslaved Black people was a welcome development among black people, though the process was riddled with numerous challenges. It had myriad benefits accrued to it, as far as black people were concerned. First, the government put into place mechanisms to grant them full citizenship (Library of Congress, n.d.-b). This opened up opportunities for them to develop and reach unprecedented accomplishments. For instance, they could now move around the country without restrictions or fear of reprisals, which allowed them to seek employment to sustain themselves and...
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