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Assignment 1: Voltaire's Candide

Essay Instructions:

Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which analyzes the “surprise ending” of the reading selection.
I chose the topic: Two (2) reading selections from Voltaire's Candide. Consider how these readings start and end in terms of the action and the beliefs. You are looking for surprise and a point of realization. These selections can be found on pp. 840-841 in the textbook. In addition, consult the class text at pp. 824-825.
Please see the attachments to refer to and cite from. Thank you in advance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 1: Voltaire’s Candide
Assignment 1: Voltaire’s Candide
After reading the Voltaire’s Candide, I found many surprising endings, for example, in chapter six and chapter twenty-eight. At the beginning of chapter six, Dr.Pangloss and Candide are blamed for destroying Lisbon after an earthquake occurred on November 1, 1755. The author states that "The mitre and fanbenito worn by Candide were painted with flames reversed, and with devils that had neither tails nor claws; but Dr. Pangloss's devils had both tails and claws, and his flames were upright" (Sayer, 2015). Pangloss garment that had both tails and claws that seem to portray an evil person. Dr.Pangloss did not believe in the holy Bible. One would wonder if he was involved in a cult.
Another surprising fact about the reading is that the authorities in Lisbon believe that burning people alive is the best solution to prevent an earthquake. The authorities decided to burn people alive as part of a cerem...
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