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Art History: Renaissance Paintings with Sacred and Secular Subjects

Essay Instructions:

2) Subject matter in artworks of the early Renaissance and Renaissance in Europe took various forms and was either sacred or secular. Pick THREE artworks (choose paintings or sculptures or prints, etc. but not architecture) as examples, TWO WITH SACRED (religious) subject matter and two with SECULAR (non-religious) subject matter. Provide the 5 ID facts (artist? Title? Date? Medium/media? Art-historical culture and period? i.e. Italian Early Renaissance, French Renaissance, etc.) for each example. Describe your four examples in terms of their SUBJECT MATTER and CONTENT. What images do we see, and what do they mean? Explain any symbolism. Use the following FIVE terms in your essay: idealized, sacred, altarpiece, portrait, donor portrait. USE THE TERMS IN SENTENCES that show you know what they mean.

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Art History
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Art History
The “Virgin of the Rocks” are two art pieces with sacred subject matter. Leonardo da Vinci did them during the Italian renaissance period between the years 1483-1486. The Paris version is painted on oil on a panel transferred to canvas (Pizzarusso, 1996). The altarpiece shows Mary and the child Jesus, angel Uriel and the infant John the Baptist. It illustrates a biblical story and the spiritual realm and leads one to experience some sacred mystery. They are in a rocky setting, and the significant compositional variance idealizes in the gaze and right hand of angel Uriel. The art piece differs from the London version in color, flora, lighting, and how Sfumato is used.
"The Last Supper" is an art piece done in Italy's high renaissance period. It is a mural painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci done in the late 15th century. It is a donor portrait commissioned as part of the church renovations and convent buildings by the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza, in Italy (Steinberg, 1...
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